I was only wondering if I wrote this,it would come out in French. Cuz I can't speak French and I can't seem to change it to English! Which sucks!
Valerie Magnificent has a second definition now: William <a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p231/beloved_owl/willisSOHOTT.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a> |
There is not in top page write english version?
"Quand on est roi ou reine de Narnia une fois on l'est pour TOUJOURS" www.finadu78.skyblog.com Vive MOI !! Cristiano Ronaldo William Moseley et Jesse McCartney !!!! http://fina786.skyblog.com |
Hello !
This website can be translated in english (check for it in the right-hand corner at the top of the page , but I'm afraid it's not possible for the forums I hope that's what you wanted to know ... *I am a magnet for all kinds of deeper wonderment* |
Audrey Ryan
Hey ! There is in english version a forum with fans who speak english
[http://willdream.net][http://willmoseley.bb-fr.com/] |