Miscellanous : You can help me?

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  • Messages : 1 233
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : France
To guess what? I have just had 14/20 in English (the big boss lol)

Edité par Fina le 12/02/2006 à 14:40

"Quand on est roi ou reine de Narnia une fois on l'est pour TOUJOURS" www.finadu78.skyblog.com Vive MOI !! Cristiano Ronaldo William Moseley et Jesse McCartney !!!! http://fina786.skyblog.com
  • Messages : 430
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Australie
to get this site in english click the little symbol in the top right hand corner. it took me about a week to figure that out! lol no joke. i was always translating the interviews and seeing as they can't be copied and pasted i typed them all out! lol i understood a bit but not all of it lol


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