Miscellanous : HELP! any ideas?

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Fil de la discussion "HELP! any ideas?"
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  • Messages : 858
  • Statut : Confirmé
  • Pays : Canada
(oh yeah and one day, I'd like to go to Vancouver, it looks like cool there

But I don't know if they have the same winter thant us in east??

Venant d'au-delà des océans, protégeant ses bonnes gens, le roi Judicael dit le "navigateur", traverse, à la tête de son royaume flottant les sept mers et la lagune des géants.
  • Messages : 1 239
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : mexique
yeah, i'm becoming a little desperate myself.... oh yeah it's really cool there!

- For you I will, no matter what-
  • Messages : 1 239
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : mexique
yeah, i'm becoming a little desperate myself.... oh yeah it's really cool there!

- For you I will, no matter what-
  • Messages : 1 239
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : mexique
ohhh sorry for the double post, i kinda entered the message accidentally lol, i wasn't even finished so yeah sorry... well idk about that, i went in summer..... but maybe someone else can tell ya!

- For you I will, no matter what-
  • Messages : 858
  • Statut : Confirmé
  • Pays : Canada
hum I don't think so finally. Because of the mountains (I believe the word is the "range", isn't it?) And the clouds from the ocean get in group before de moutains and it comes to rain on this region so I think this more wet.

*I hope somebody understood me*

Venant d'au-delà des océans, protégeant ses bonnes gens, le roi Judicael dit le "navigateur", traverse, à la tête de son royaume flottant les sept mers et la lagune des géants.
  • Messages : 784
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
I understood. lol. (surprisingly, considering i have such a small brain. lol )

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
  • Messages : 376
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Pays-Bas
Bring around the newspaper and that's kind of post in the netherlands you can do that when you're 14 years old it's not cool but it pays well

<img src="http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b281/downdenise/thall.png" border="0" alt="Tokio Hotel"></a><br>

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