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omg thats awesome!check out my story its called "Double Trouble Boil 'N Bubble"

on the edge of seventeen...
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im loving the story
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  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
That IS awesome! ur a gud writer dont put urself down!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
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wow..that was like woah at the end...major shocker!!

*bows elaborately* plz update soon my lady!

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
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okay as i said yesterday i will post the 4 chapter..enjoy..sorry for the spelling mistakes

“Well then I guess you should tell them the news, but not now, why don’t you tell them tomorrow after they burry their parents” Rose said. “And where are they going to live meanwhile?” Hilda answered kind of pissed of because Rose was telling here what to do. “Well I could stay with them for a while you know, just for them to go through this in a more calmed way and then they will be ready to move to your house” Rose answered, Hilda nodded and went to sit in one of the chairs that was nearby.

The funeral went by really fast and then they had to go to church to finish with all of this, since they were burying their parents tomorrow, after mass they went home and they both fell asleep immediately since they were really tired, the next morning they woke up and David looked so much better his eyes weren’t red anymore, Kate looked at him and smiled, “I’m glad that you aren’t crying anymore” she said, David laughed and said ”Well you don’t look like if you were crying either”, Kate lowered her head and said in a really soft voice, “That’s because I wasn’t crying”, David placed his hand under her chin and lifted her head up, “hey, there is nothing wrong about not crying, I know that is making mom and dad happier”, Kate smiled and said, “I know, but I feel weird I mean I’m not crying and they just passed away”. Dave smiled and said come on lets get ready…they both went back to their rooms and Kate opened her closed she changed into a black skirt and a black shirt, this time she used a ponytail instead of letting her long brown hair fall over her back and shoulders. They had the same routine as the other day go downstairs, get breakfast, instead this time no one was crying, it was as if their parents had come to let them know that they would be fine and that they would be with them, David and Kate got into Rose’s car and this time she took them to the cemetery, when they got there the priest said some words before they saw how their parent’s coffins were lowered. After they buried them, Aunt Hilda came to where they were and said, “Hey kids, I bet you now know that you are coming to live with me”, Kate and David both stood there in shock, not only had their parent’s died but now they would have to live with her and her spoiled kids.

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
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Oh Em GEE!!

wow they buried her parents...how sad

i cant believe that have to live with their spoiled and horrible aunt and cousins! UGH!!

i know u just updated-- but im luvin it so plz keep it up-- ur on a roll!!

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
  • Messages : 548
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
annie u can't stop! i love ur story its so good - i wanna read abou tthe reactions of david and kate since they just found out they r gonna live w/ their cousins . . . i would hate that if i were them i'd wanna live w/ rose

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
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i know..haha aww guys thanks for your comments.. if you have any suggestions about the story send me a personal message

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
  • Messages : 548
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
u doin great annie! if i can think of nething to help i'll message u

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 803
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
hey plz update!!
i really want to know what happens ur doing an awesome job! i didnt thought u were that good!
  • Messages : 1 555
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okay..i already ahve the enxt chapter but i dont know if im going to update it right now or tomorrow..

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
  • Messages : 1 325
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  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
Put it on, woman!!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 1 555
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
maybe ill post two chapters today since it's friday..so ehre is the 5 chapter..its not that good and has a lot of spelling mistakes, i think its kind of confusing too but oh well haha


“What!?!” David said looking at Kate, Hilary laughed and said “Well we are your only family, what did you expect, to live by yourselves?”, “Well actually we were” Kate said, in a very matter – of – factly voice, “Oh Katie, you are just 15, you cant take care of yourself, and David, just look at him he cant take care of himself either”, David’s blood was boiling his right hand turned into a fist and then he said, “I don’t need this, now if you will excuse me I’m going to talk with Rose”.. Kate looked at Hilary, she definitely wasn’t the person who she would like to spend the rest of her life with, and she didn’t like for her to call her Katie, then she said, “Don’t call me Katie, only my family can call me like that, and I’m turning 16 in a month, and David is perfectly capable of taking care of himself”, Hilary smiled and then said “Oh I’m sorry Kate, I didn’t mean to offend you, well I should try to think before I speak since I know that this whole situation doesn’t have you in a very good mood”.
Kate turned around and went back to where David and Rose were, she sat down next to David and he said, “What have we done to deserve this, not only mom and dad, but living with Hilary!”… “I know, I guess we will just have to deal with this”, Kate said, Rose smiled and said “this will sound kind of mean but, I’m glad I don’t have to live with her” Kate and David laughed, “I hadn’t seen you smile since this happened” Rose said, “You know that you can always count on me for everything, and I’m glad that you two are getting along better, you used to fight all the time”. Kate laughed “It was David’s fault”.

They spent some more hours there and then went back home, Rose made dinner for them and after they ate Kate and David packed all of their stuff in some carton boxes, Kate packed all of her ballerina pictures and all of the stuff she had in her room, it took her several hours but she was finally done, then she got all of her clothes in suitcases and took them downstairs were David’s stuff was.

David looked at Kate and said, “We need to stick together or we are not going to make it in that nut house”, Kate laughed, “I know I can’t stand those kids”, they both stayed quiet for some seconds and then said in unison, “They are so spoiled”. They couldn’t stop laughing about what just happened they spent some more hours talking and Kate said, “David I’m glad that we are getting along fine, I was so afraid when mom and dad died, but now I know that I can count on you”, David smiled at Kate and said, “I know, I was actually thinking the same thing, but lets go to sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

Kate went to her room, the only things left there were some furniture and her mattress nut it didn’t have any bed covers on it, Kate went to sleep, the next morning David woke her up, “Katie, come on wake up we have to go to Hilary’s house”, Kate slowly opened her eyes and said, “Is it time already? I’m so tired”, David laughed and said, “Yeah its time already, we have to go”. Kate got out of bed and changed into a brown skirt and a white shirt, she then went downstairs, Rose was already waiting for them, and Hilary’s truck was outside. “Come on kids we have to put all the boxes in Hilary’s truck and you will put your suitcases in my car” Rose said. They started putting everything in the cars, the boxes were really heavy, after about half an hour of loading boxes in the truck they were finally over, they got into Rose’s car and she took them to their new home. It took them 10 minutes to get there, when they got out of the car they took all of the boxes inside and rose helped them with their suitcases, “Well kids how about if you show them the rooms” Hilary said, Sarah looked at Kate and said, “come on our room is upstairs”, Kate looked at David, he was talking to Joseph, and then they also went upstairs, the house was kind of big, it had a basement, the kitchen and the living room were in the first floor, and the second floor had the master bedroom, and two medium sized rooms, Sarah opened the door for Kate, and then they went inside, “That is your bed” she said pointing to the bed at her right, then she walked over to the closet, and opened it, “and this is your part of the closet”, Kate smiled and started unpacking, Sarah sat down at her bed and said, “You can decorate your part of the room, as you wish” …“Thank you” Kate said, as she started hanging all of her clothes in her part of the closet, just as she was hanging her leotards Sarah said, “Why do you have all of those black bathing suits”.. Kate couldn’t help laughing, that was the dumbest thing she had ever heard her say, “they are called leotards and they are used when you dance ballet”, Sarah looked at Kate and said, “well whatever, like if I wished to know of that sport, ill rather practice karate, its way more original than moving around a room and torturing yourself hearing that boring classical music”..”well you don’t have to like it as long as you don’t bother me with it”, Sarah laughed and said, “well I’m going downstairs” and she left the room”, Kate continued unpacking her clothes and then she decorated her part of the room, she placed all of her ballet pictures on the wall that was behind her bed, “perfect”.. she said, “it’s not like my room but at least it has a part of me”, a few minutes later Sarah came back to the room, when she looked at the wall she said, “what!..you got to be kidding me, my room is now full of anorexic girls in leotrds”.. Kate turned around and said...”don’t you ever call ballerinas like that, and besides you said that I could decorate my part of the room, so I did” Kate went out of the room and slammed the door behind her, she then went for a walk through the park, everything seemed so calmed there she felt like if she finally had some peace after moving into her new house.

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
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GOSH!! that Sarah is a retarded spoiled brat
Grr she should jump off a cliff<< she is that stupid

that was mean what Sarah said about ballerinas....not cool

im luvin it--plz update like real soon
*puppy eyes*

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
  • Messages : 3 414
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
if i had a cousin like sarah i couldn't help but tell her off!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
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okay..since i have decided to continue with the story, and it will be a really long story im posting another chapter, ill be posting a lot of chapters this weekend in fact, since i don't have h.w. and im bored..so enjoy.. and post more comments please

Kate and David had to spend the whole weekend “bonding” with their cousins, it was really hard, they all had so different interests, and it seemed that Sarah could just open her mouth to say a dumb or offending comment, Joseph didn’t talk much but his looks were intimidating, he looked at Kate and David as if he was superior and made you feel helpless and vulnerable.

Monday finally came, David and Kate went to a public school, while their cousins went to private ones, everyone in school looked at them with sorry faces and that made them feel sad again, the teachers and their friends treated them differently from everyone else, they wanted to move on, but how could they move on with people being like this.

“I’m so glad this day is over, I cant stand having people staring at me with sad faces all the time”...Kate said, “I know, but look at it in a good way, when we get to our new home, we will just have to eat and then go to our classes so we wont have to be with them all day long” David answered her, they walked all the way home and when they got there the awful trio was already there.

“Kate, Rose called she said that she will pick you up in about two hours”, Kate smiled and went to her room, it was all messed up, Sarah’s clothes were all over the room, you couldn’t even see the floor. “This is such a mess” Kate said…”Sorry, miss perfection, I couldn’t find my karate uniform, so I basically had to turn the drawers all over”... “and did you found it” Kate said, “Urm, no I mean it doesn’t look like if I had found it” she answered sarcastically.

Kate laid down in her bed and started doing homework…”You are such a freak” Sarah said while she turned the radio on…”I’m trying to do my homework could you please turn the volume a little bit down” Kate said really angry, but Sarah just made the volume louder. It was finally time for her to change and wait for Rose, she went to the bathroom and changed into her tights and her black leotard, she got her hair into a bun, she then went outside and sat down while she waited for Rose, it didn’t took her long to get there, Kate ran and got into Rose’s car, “Finally, you saved me, that girl is driving me crazy” Kate said, Rose laughed and said, “I can imagine it”. They then got to the academy, Kate spent there 3 to 4 hours a day, while she was dancing Rose couldn’t help noticing how happy she looked, when the day was finally over Rose took her back home and on their way there she said, “You look so different while you dance”, Kate smiled and answered, “Well you will probably think I’m crazy but, when I’m dancing I don’t have time to worry about other things, it’s just me and the music and I can even feel like if my mom was there dancing next to me” Rose smiled, “Oh, honey of course I don’t think you are crazy, in fact I think that you just found out what dancing ballet is all about, you are expressing what is in your soul and that you can just say with words”. When they got home Kate hugged Rose, and then she went inside, she went to the kitchen for a glass of water, David wasn’t there so she assumed that he hadn’t arrived from football practice yet, but Hilary, Sarah and Joseph were there, just sitting down chatting while they had dinner and staring at her, “Kate would you like to sit with us to have dinner, well actually we already had dinner but we could wait for you”, Kate smiled and said, “no thanks I’m not hungry”…Then Hilary said, “But you haven’t had something to eat since breakfast”, Kate was just about to answer when Sarah said, “I told you that she was anorexic, she is too thin and has a bunch of anorexic ballerina pictures upstairs”.. Kate then said, “I told you they aren’t anorexic and I’m not either”, “Is that why you don’t want to have dinner?” Hilary asked …”No, I’m not hungry that’s all” Kate said really pissed off, “Don’t use that tone with me Kate” Hilary answered, Sarah just smiled and said, “Didn’t your parents give you any education?, oh sorry my bad I know the answer, of course they didn’t, your mom was too busy dragging you into the ballerina world in the one she lived, why don’t you admit it, you don’t really like to dance, you just do it because that’s all your mom ever teached you, and you don’t know something better than that”. Then Hilary said, “Sarah stop it, it’s not her fault, but you know what Sarah is right, I’m not going to pay for your ballet classes, I’m not letting you do what I saw my sister do, torturing herself, damaging her feet, starving just for fun”…”I hate you!” Kate yelled, “and you know what I’m going to continue dancing, in fact, I want to go to New York, I want to audition for the American ballet academy”…”Well I’m not even paying for your classes in Rose’s academy, if you want to dance there fine, get a job and you pay them, and there is no way im taking you to New York, and I will definitely pay for those ABA classes, and I don’t think there is a way for you to pay them, so you should just get used to dancing, in Rose’s academy, that is if you can ever afford them.”…tears started to fill Kate’s eyes; she then went to her room and plopped down in her bed crying all night long.

The next morning she went to school, she didn’t told David what had happened, but he could notice there was something that was making her feel sad again. When she got home she didn’t talked with Hilary or her kids, that day Rose picked her up earlier, just as Kate got into Rose’s car she started crying and told her what had happened, Rose couldn’t believe it, she was so mad, “Oh honey, don’t worry, you can take your classes for free, after all who is my favorite student”… Kate smiled and said, “Thanks but she wants me to work for those classes, she won’t let me take them if I don’t work for them”…”Well, I can solve that problem too, how about if you help me giving class to some of the little girls, that way you will work for your classes”...Kate then said, “Are you serious would you let me do that”….”I wouldn’t be offering it to you if I wasn’t serious” Rose said laughing, “and about the ABA classes, im so glad that you will finally do an audition”…”Well, I wont be able to do it now, she wont buy me an airplane ticket to New York”…”Oh, we can solve that later” she said with a smile that seemed as if she had something planned, “and Kate, maybe you would like to stay at my house for a week, I know that you don’t want to go back there, and I also know why you want to go to The American Ballet Academy, its because you want to leave that house, don’t you?” Rose said…”well, that and because now I really want to become a professional ballerina” Kate said.

Edité par Annie1290 le 13/05/2006 à 01:25

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
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in fact I think that you just found out what dancing ballet is all about, you are expressing what is in your soul and that you can just say with words <<< tht was soo sweet!! aww

that was mean about Kate having to pay for classes and being anorexic!!


Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
  • Messages : 3 414
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
omgsh! how hateful! i can't imagine having my parents die and then have an awful family that think i'm anorexic and don't believe in my drems! how dreadful!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
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  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
cough cough mean! cough cough stereotype!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 1 555
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
okay so this is a long chapter, and then im going to go really fast until she meets will haha..im not very descriptive so there are some links to pictures for you to see some things, and well i hope you like it..


Rose took Kate home and waited for her outside while she packed some things, meanwhile she called an old friend of hers; Kate knocked on David’s door and he opened it, “where are you going with that backpack?” he said, “im spending a week with Rose” Kate whispered since she didn’t want for Hilary or anybody else to hear. “But are you coming back by Friday?” David asked, Kate smiled and said, “I don’t think so, ill probably come back until Saturday, I really don’t want to spend my birthday here” Kate said… “Well then I guess ill go visit you to Rose’s house” David said and then hugged her, “I have to go” Kate said as she walked down the stairs, she then went back to Rose’s car, she saw her talking with someone, but she hung up when she saw her. Kate opened the door and got in the car, “Who were you talking to? Kate asked…”It’s a surprise; you know im full of surprises” Rose said laughing…the next week went really fast, she basically spent the whole day giving classes to little girls and then she would take her classes, she would be so tired by the end of the day, but she didn’t care she knew she wanted to dance, and she wasn’t going to stop until she fulfilled her dream and she knew that Rose would plan something to get her to the ABA. Thursday came, her birthday would be tomorrow she was turning 16 years old and she was kind of excited although she knew that it would never be like when her parents celebrated it with her…that day she went to her classes, she was just getting out of the classroom when a lady approached to her and said, “Is this Rose Nielson’s academy?”...Kate smiled and said “yeah she is upstairs in her office, follow me”… when she got to Rose’s office she knocked and said, “Rose there is a lady here who wants to talk to you”, …”oh come on in” Rose said, Kate opened the door and the lady went inside, Rose immediately stood up with a smile in her face and hugged the lady, “Diane I hadn’t seen you in so long”…Kate decided to let them talk and she went downstairs where the rest of her classmates were, her class was about to start. She sat down an took her pointe shoes out of a bag, she got some baby powder in her pointers and then placed them in the tip of her foot, she then got her foot in her pointe shoe and tied the laces around her ankle, she did the same process with her other foot, and then went inside of the classroom, Rose then entered the room followed by Diane, her friend, the class started, she saw that Rose and Diane were constantly whispering and point in her direction, Diane would smile every time she saw Kate doing a pirouette or a jump, but Kate didn’t care, she wasn’t even nervous about having Diane staring at her, when the class was over she went to the reception and waited for Rose, after about half an hour she came and Diane was still with her, they then went to her car and Kate took the back seat, “Kate, this is Diane, im sure you have heard of her, she was also your mom’s friend, she is staying with us for the weekend. Kate smiled and then Diane asked her, “How long have you been dancing?”…”I have been dancing since I was a baby” Kate answered very proud, Diane then said, “Well, I work for the ABA, in fact im the artistic director, we usually don’t do this, but Rose has told me about your situation and taking in consideration that you are a really good dancer and that you have been trained correctly, we are offering you a scholarship at the American ballet academy”…Kate couldn’t believe what she had just heard, words wouldn’t come out of her mouth, and then Rose said “shocking huh?”...Kate then finally managed to talk, “wow, are you serious, of course I want to go, but haven’t classes already started there?”...”they in fact started a few weeks ago, so if you accept the scholarship we would have to leave to New York this Saturday” Diane said, “Well then ill have to pack when I get home” Kate said with a huge smile on her face.

When she got home she called David and told him the news, they talked for hours and then David said, “Well ill have to hang up now, Sarah is waiting for a call, and you need to start packing”. Kate then went downstairs, Rose had already prepared dinner, and she and Diane were talking about what they had done the past years, it seemed as if they would never stop.

“You see Kate; I told you I would manage to get you that audition” Rose said smiling, “You are the best that ahs happened to me this past weeks” Kate said, then Diane interrupted them saying, “Kate you will be in the advanced group, everyone there is a year or two older than you, Rose told me that you are turning 16 tomorrow, consider it as a birthday present form my part”… Kate nodded and then Rose said, “Well Kate, ill have to go with you to your school tomorrow, we need to tell the principal that you are no longer going to school, and then ill take you to your aunt’s house for you to pack your things.” Kate smiled and nodded, she then went upstairs took a shower and went to sleep, tomorrow was going to be a very long day.

“Wake up we have to go” Rose said while she turned on the lights from Kate’s room. “Okay, ill be downstairs in a minute”, she stood up, and barely opened her eyes, she went to her suitcase and took out a pair of brown Capri pants and a pink tank top, she went downstairs, and found Rose and Diane waiting for her while they took some coffee, then the three of them went to Rose’s car and headed to school, when they got there they went to the principal’s office and told them the situation and that Kate wasn’t going to school anymore, they spent an hour there talking to the principal and signing a bunch of papers.

Then Rose said, “Now we will have to do the hard part, telling Hilary that you are no longer living with her”…Kate took a deep breath, when they got there Kate ringed the doorbell and Hilary opened it, Kate didn’t talk to her she just went upstairs and started packing everything again, she could hear Diane and Rose talking to Hilary, it took her two hours to pack everything and when she went downstairs, Hilary looked at her and said, “Congratulation, but you should know that you don’t have my support for that dream”…Kate smiled and said, “well, I actually don’t need it”. Rose smiled and then she helped Kate taking some boxes to her car.

When they got home David was there, he ran and hugged Kate and said, “Happy birthday!” Kate smiled and said, “Im so tired today was one of the longest days of my life”, David just smiled at her and said “I got you a present”, he gave Kate a little white box, she opened it and she saw the most beautiful necklace ever it was a little silver open heart hung in a very thin silver chain,(im not good describing things so here is a link to a picture of how the necklace looks like: http://www.tiffany.com/uk/shopping/item.aspx?c_id=UK1&c_it=64K6&start_id=216&CategoryId=13&category=Jewelry&) she hugged David, “this is so beautiful im never going to take it off” she said she then took it out of the box and asked David to help her put it on, she then went to the mirror and saw how it look, “It looks amazing” David said with a smile on his face after seeing how happy he had just made his sister, they spent the whole day talking and then David said, well its getting late I should be going home, im going to miss you” David hugged Kate and then they both started crying, “don’t forget to call” David said as we went out of the house and headed home. Kate then went to her room and fell asleep, tomorrow was going to be a long day, she was flying to New York to fulfill her dream.

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about

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