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  • Messages : 548
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
o annie - i love it! thats all i can say and also keep going its amazing!

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 325
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  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
My bfs called will... sorry, just some background info there

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 3 414
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
that is so awesome annie!

i can't write at all so i love hearing a good story that someone made up on there own!

great job! update really soon!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
(Dalek voice) UPDATE, UPDATEEEEE!!!!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 1 555
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
okay, i wrote this one really fast so its not that good and it has a lot of spelling mistakes i think that it is quite confusing too

The next morning Rose went to Kate’s room and turned the lights on...”Just five more minutes” Kate said in a groggily voice, Rose laughed and said, “No, get up your plane is living in an hour and a half and you and Diane need to get to the airport right now”…Kate stood up and yawned, she then stretched as much as she could, this always gave her a boost of energy, she took the clothes she had prepared the night before and then took a shower, it was the longest shower of her life, she then changed into her jeans and her brown shirt, she went downstairs and Rose said, “new record, you beated mine with 3 minutes, half an hour in the shower” Kate laughed and said “well im ready”, Just then Diane came downstairs, she had her cell phone in one hand and her suitcase in the other one, “No, im going to be there in a couple of hours and im taking a new girl for the advanced group…yes check which room is available and inform the girls from that room that they are having a new roommate” she then hung up and said, “sorry im preparing everything, now lets go, the cab must be outside already” Rose hugged Kate and whispered in her ear, “Call me everyday, im going to miss you”… Kate smiled and then went to the cab, Diane received a thousand calls from the ABA, she didn’t stop talking all the way top the airport and when they got there Diane said, “Come on Kate we are late already, they practically ran all the way to their gate and then they had to wait in line to board the plane, then they finally gave the man the tickets and they went to their seats, “Diane took out an agenda and started doing some work, Kate was really bored, she took out a magazine that she had in one of her bags and started reading it, it was a long flight to New York, and when they got there a man went to where they were and said, “The car is outside”, Diane looked at Kate and smiled and said come on we are about to finish your journey to your new home, Kate nodded and followed her, she had never been to New York, it was so different from everything home, it was a big city and it was full of people, suddenly the car stopped and Diane said “we are here”…Kate opened the door and saw a huge building, she had seen it in some pictures her mom had showed her but it looked so different”, they walked through a hallway and then Diane took her to her office, she opened a green folder that was on top of her desk and read it, “Okay Kate, enjoy your classes here and work as hard as you can I know you have a great potential”, she then handed Kate a little paper that said, “1103C”…That is your room, the girls must be there right now, ill tell Helen to show you the way to your room”, Kate then went out of the office, a Lady looked at her and said, “Im Helen, you must be Kate, follow me your room is upstairs”, they took an elevator upstairs and then they walked through a large hallway and then they turned right, here it is Helen” said, Kate smiled and knocked on the door, a girl opened it and smiled, “Come on in” she said, she was Kate’s height and had black hair and brown eyes, “Im Emily” she said while she sat down in her bed, “That is you bed” she said pointing to a bunker bed, “the one in the bottom?” Kate asked, Emily laughed and said, “Yeah, Jody already took the bed on the top”.

It wasn’t a big room, it had a bunker bed and then a twin bed besides it, a desk, a closet and then there was a door, which Kate supposed was the bathroom; it had a window with a view to the street.

Emily seemed to be really nice and she said, “Do you need help unpacking you things?” Kate smiled “Actually yeah I have moved a thousand times this past weeks, im already tired of packing and unpacking all of my stuff”…Emily laughed and then the two of them spent the next hours talking and hearing to some music, then Jody came in the room, she was a blonde girl with blue eyes and she was way taller than Kate, “Kate smiled, “Hi, im Kate, you must be Jody”…Kate said, “yeah I am” Jody aid with a huge smile on her face, the three of them spend the rest of the day talking, Kate didn’t talked much about what had happened this past weeks, but the three of them immediately became best friends.

“Im starving” Emily said, “well dinner will be ready in about half an hour” Jody said after looking at the clock. Then Emily said, “Well maybe we could show Kate around and then go to the cafeteria” Kate smiled and then the three of them went downstairs. They showed Emily all of the studios in the ones they would be taking classes, they showed her the living rooms and then a boy, well more like a man, brown hair and kind of gray eyes came and said, “hey what are you doing here?”…”Oh we are showing Kate around” Emily said, “Oh well hi Kate, Im Daniel, you can call me Dan, and im going to be your pas de deux partner”, Kate smiled and said, “Well im Kate”, then the four of them headed to the cafeteria were they sat down with some more girls and other guys. They had dinner and then they all headed to the living rooms to talk for a couple of hours before they headed back to the dorms. “Well since tomorrow is Sunday and we all have free day we could go to the movies”, everyone cheered at what Dan just said, they looked like if all they wanted to do was get out of this academy. Then Emily and Jody stood up and said well we are tired already we are going to our room” they looked at Kate and then she stood up and said, “Well I should get going too” she followed Jody and Emily back to their room and when they got there the three of them fell asleep.

The next morning Jody woke up Emily and said, “come on we need to o downstairs for breakfast”… They then woke up Kate and the three of them changed and went downstairs, “Im going to have to get used to being a morning person Kate” said…Jody laughed and said, “yeah well we all have those problems when we first get here, but don’t worry you will get used to it”

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
  • Messages : 3 414
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
thats great annie! update soon! i love your story!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 2 647
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awww its so heartwarming now tht she is gone from those mean pplz!


Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
  • Messages : 3 414
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
give ma an "S"
give me an "O"
give me an "O"
give me an "N"

what does that spell? SOON!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
i love it annie!!! ur a rly good writer!!! i think this would make an awesome movie!!!!

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 555
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
okay this chapter is really long and it isnt descriptive, i think it is also confusing so if you get confused you can send me a personal message and i will gladly explain it to you..

When they got to the cafeteria Dan was sitting next to Charles and other friends and Jody, Emily and Kate sitted down with them and they all had breakfast, “So are we going to the movies today?” Emily said, Dan laughed “Yeah, we are watching the one called Scary Movie 4”, Jody laughed and said, “I knew you were going to pick that movie, you haven’t stopped talking about it all week.” Dan laughed and said, “well we can watch another one if you like”…”No that’s okay” Jody answered with a smile in her face, Then Charles looked at Kate and the rest of the girls and said, “so I guess we will meet you down here in two hours” Kate smiled and said “you can count on it”…when they finished having breakfast the girls went back to their room, the three girls took turns to use the bathroom and then after they were finished they went downstairs, “You are half an hour late” Charles said laughing…then they all went out of the building, the movies were just a couple of blocks down so they walked all the way there, Emily sat down next to Charles, it looked like if they were dating, and Kate sitted down between Jody and Dan, he didn’t stop laughing the whole movie and they could hear people telling them to shut up, when they were walking back to the academy Charles said, “well Emily and I are going to go walking to the park, do you want to come?”…Kate shook her head and then Jody said, “No, we are going to the academy just to practice a little bit”…”Don’t you ever get tired?” Emily asked… Kate then said, “Well I haven’t actually seen the studios so I would like to practice a little bit too”…Dan smiled and said im going with them and then they saw how Charles and Emily left holding hands, “…”They look so cute together” Jody said, Dan laughed and said well lets go and then they continued walking to the academy, Jody and Kate went tot heir room to get into more comfortable clothes, they got into their tights and black leotards and headed to studio number 4, when they got there Dan was already there, “Jody started practicing her pirouettes and Kate just looked at her, she had never seen her dance and she was really good.

She then felt a hand over her shoulder and she turned around, Dan laughed and said, “have you ever danced with a partner?”…Kate looked at him and then lowered her head kind of embarrassed, “Well actually no”…Dan laughed and answered “come ill show you, after all we are going to be partners and you haven’t been here the last weeks”…Kate took his hand and then he showed her some of the basics…Jody looked at them and said, “Wow, you are a good teacher”.. Dan laughed and said, “well I have a good student”, Kate laughed and then Dan said, “and besides she barely weights 100 pounds”, Jody laughed and said, “he had a bad experience with his last pas de deux partner, she didn’t look for her weight and she was really heavy, she even decided to stop dancing”… Kate looked at Dan and he said, “How much do you weight?”... “About 99 pounds I think”, Kate said “you see now that’s something that I can lift” Dan said, making Kate blush, They spent about three hours practicing and fooling around and then they headed back to the living rooms, where Emily and Charles were.

The next week was really hard for Kate, she had trouble waking up and being awake in her classes but then she got used to them.

She had been in the academy for three months now, Emily and Jody were like her sisters now, and Dan reminded her of David, there was one more week of classes before they had two weeks off for Christmas, Rose and David decided to visit her and look at New York, Kate was now one of the best ballerinas in her class, and Rose and David were really proud of her. They only stayed there for a week and they left two days before Christmas. Luckily for Kate, Jody and Dan were staying at the academy for Christmas, there would be a party at the cafeteria, they would have turkey and all type of food that you could imagine, and this practically drove them crazy since, they usually gave them food that wasn’t loaded with calories, because they had to watch their weight. After they ate the three of them went to the living rooms and sat down, then Jody asked, “So Dan, why are you spending Christmas here?”…Dan laughed and said, well my family is from Cuba, and I decided that I would rather stay here, its much more relaxing than taking a million planes home and packing and unpacking”…Then Jody looked at Kate and said, what about you, well we already saw that your brother and you friend came last week but why didn’t you go with them?”…Kate lowered her head, she had never told anyone about what had happened but somehow she knew that she would feel much more better telling it to someone instead of keeping it to herself, she took a deep breath and told them their story, a tear came down her eye and she wiped it with her sweater’s sleeve, there was a moment of silence before Dan broke it up saying, “Im sorry”…Kate nodded and smiled at him, and then both Jody and Dan hugged Kate, “You can always count on us and tell us whatever you want” Jody whispered, Kate smiled and said, “thanks guys, I will”…”Aww…my poor baby” Dan said laughing, that was how he had nicknamed Kate since she was the youngest one of their class, and the youngest one from the group of friends and he was three years older than her. Kate laughed and then Jody said, “Well let’s go to sleep it’s getting really late.”… Kate and Jody went to their room and Dan went to his, the next morning Dan knocked on their door and said, “hey we are going to be late for breakfast”, the girls immediately woke up and changed they ran downstairs and got there just in time before they closed the cafeteria, when they were done Dan said, “a friend of mine is coming over today, he is going to stay in N.Y. to study, I think architecture or something like that”, Kate smiled and said, “Is he staying in a hotel nearby?”, Dan nodded and said, “perhaps you would like to go with, just to say hi” Jody laughed and said, “Im not going, I think im just staying here to read a book or something, its freezing outside”, Kate smiled at Dan and said “I’ll go” ...Dan answered ”Great, go for your coat and ill meet you at the entrance in a minute”, Jody and Kate went to their room, Jody looked as Kate grabbed her coat and went out of the room, Kate took the elevator downstairs and Dan was already there.

The two of them went walking a couple of blocks and got into a The Howard Johnson Hotel, they took the elevator upstairs an then Dan knocked on a door, his friend opened the door, he looked like if he was a year younger than Dan, Black hair and brown eyes, “Hey Dan!” he said, “This is Kate”, Dan said while his friend shook Kate’s hand, “Im Gerard” he said while looking at Kate. The three of them went to a cafeteria that was nearby and got some coffee, they kept talking and Kate felt slightly attracted to the guy, he also liked Kate, they continued seeing each other the next few weeks, in fact they dated everyday, Kate even allowed him call her Katie, she felt as if she was the happiest girl when she was with him, he was her first boyfriend, but when her ballet classes started again their problems started arousing, Kate didn’t have enough time to take her classes practice and see Gerard, she managed to keep the relationship going for some months, in fact for three months, but the student workshop was being casted this week and she barely got time to talk to Gerard, she really loved him but it was just impossible to have time for everything she had to do…she was sitting down in one of the couched from the living rooms when Dan plopped down next to her and said…”hey baby guess what you got one of the principal roles for one of the workshops”…Kate took the paper that Dan had in his hand and read that her name was written for one of the principal roles... “omg I can’t believe it she screamed. She hugged Dan and said, omg I have to tell Gerard about this, she immediately went to her room and call him, she told him the news but she didn’t seemed to be happy about it, the next month she got to see Gerard more, but after that one she had a lot of pressure with all of the training and the rehearsals, that she barely saw him once a week, she just had a week more of classes and then the student workshop would be on Saturday, they had to dance in the theater in front of an audience and the directors would see them, that is were they officially closed the school year and they told each student if they would have a job opportunity with the company, her whole ballerina career depended from that workshop, that’s why she had been working so hard.

Gerard went to the academy and called Kate. She was at her dorm and she heard her cell phone ring, she picked it up and heard Gerard’s voice…”Hey, im downstairs could you come, I need to talk to you”…Kate hung up the phone and headed downstairs, when she got there she saw Gerard leaning against a light post, Kate went to where he was and hugged him, Gerard just pulled back and Kate looked at him kind of confused, “Look Katie, I really need to talk to you, lets sit down in that bench over there”, they both walked to the bench and sat down, Kate told him everything about the workshop but he didn’t really paid any attention to her, he then said, “Could you stop talking about ballet a moment, im sick and tired of it”, “What?” Kate said looking at him, he had never yelled to her, “Look our relationship is not how it used to be, you barely have time for me” Gerard said,…”Well I already told you the reason, Im working so hard for the student workshop right now, but all of this is over in a week” Kate said, “No Katie, that’s what you have been saying since you went back to those stupid ballet classes, Im not waiting anymore, so either you chose your ballet or me”…Kate looked at him in shock, she couldn’t believe it she thought that he loved her and that he would understand what she was going through right now, “Come on Katie answer me, im not waiting forever!”…he said…There was a moment of silence before Kate stood up and she said, “Well then I choose ballet”…Gerard stood up shocked at what Kate had just said, he took her hand and Kate, moved and said, “Don’t touch me, you asked me to make a decision and I made it, I thought you loved me and that you would accept me and my life just as it was”…Kate then went inside tears rolling down her cheeks, she got into the elevator and went to her dorm, Jody and Emily were asleep already, So she just got in bed and cried until she fell asleep.

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
i can't believe gerard gave her an ultimatum! how rude lol . . . ur story kinda reminds me of the movie center stage in some ways, but its still different like it!

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 555
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
yeah well...i kind of get some parts form that movie, its my favortie movie

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
i love that movie!!!!

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
Never seen it but if its like this story it has to be gud!!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 803
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
hey guys u gotta read annie's new story called ...Sunset...

its really good
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
Uve posted that on like all the forums but yeah it is GR8!!!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 1 555
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
okay this chapter is really bad i just did it because i was bored and i havent written this story in a long time

chapter 10
“Kate wake up” Jody said as she turned on the lights, Kate woke up after a few minutes and got a shower, when she came out Jody looked at her eyes, they were red and swollen, “Kate where you crying?” Jody said as she walked to where she was, Kate nodded and told her what had happened the night before as tears started coming out of her eyes again. Jody hugged her and comforted her until she stopped crying, both of them went downstairs and had breakfast, they had rehearsals for the workshop today, Kate went back to her room to get her pointe shoes and then went to studio five, when she got there she just saw Dan, he looked at Kate and said, “are you okay?” Kate nodded as she walked to the center of the room to start warming up, the workshop was tomorrow, and she still had some trouble with some pirouettes, Dan was her dancing partner in the workshop too, so they both practiced for several hours, Dan knew what had happened, Gerard had told him, but Kate didn’t even wanted to talk about it so Dan decided it was better if he didn’t reminded her. The day went by really fast, although for Kate it was an eternity, she felt like going to her room and cry all day, but she knew that was something she couldn’t do, she wanted to be accepted in the company and she knew that Dan also wanted to be in the company and they had to do their best. That night Kate didn’t have dinner she just went to her room early and fell asleep she was really tired. The next morning she woke up and Jody and Emily weren’t there…”oh no, I must have woken up late” she said out loud as she got out of bed and opened the closet to take her tights and leotard, she got dresses and ran to the theater, the others were practicing and Dan was sitting down looking at them with the rest of the people that danced with them, she sat down next to him as she got her hair in a bun, “you are late” Dan whispered, “I know sorry, Jody didn’t woke me up” Kate said, they practiced it one last time before they had to go back to their rooms to get ready for that night, today was the big day. Later that night she got in her tutu, it was really pretty it was white as the snow and had some little beads that sparkled when the light hitted them. She then got some make up and warmed up a little bit, she was really nervous, not only did she had to danced in front of all hat people sitting there but they were also going to tell her if she was admitted into the company, and besides she was going to see Rose and David today. Its our turn Dan said as he took her hand and ran towards the theater, went they got there he said, “okay, breathe in and then out, don’t get nervous everything is okay oh yeah and remember when you”…Kate interrupted him, “Dan we have practiced a lot and everything is going to be okay, you are just making me nervous”, Dan nodded and then their music started, the whole chorus started to go stage and then Kate and Dan went in, they danced as if it was the last time they were dancing ever, they had huge smiles on their faces and everything came out perfect, she forgot about Gerard and what he had done, who cared about him, ballet was her passion and her life, they finished dancing and they heard all the people clapping and cheering, she even saw Rose and David sitting in the first row, they were both smiling and then they went out of stage.

They started calling everybody to the director’s office, this was the moment of truth, they called the boys first, Dan came out smiling and hugged Kate, “Guess what, im going to London”… Kate smiled she was really happy for him, but why London, “Why are you going to London?” she asked, well there is a guy from London there, he is the director of one of the companies over there, so they asked me if I wanted to be in the chorus here or if I wanted to go and be part of the chorus in London, so I decided to give London a try”… Kate hugged him and said, “That’s great, who else is going?”…Dan said, “They are just taking two boys and one girl”…Kate nodded it was her turn now, “she went inside and this time she was definitely nervous, her hands were sweaty and she could feel her heart going faster and faster as she got closer to the office. She sat down and they gave her the news she couldn’t believe it, she immediately hugged Diane, the director and then went out of the office to tell David, she saw him standing up next to Rose, she hugged him and said, “Im going to London”…Rose hugged her too and said, “And what are you doing in London?”…”Well they needed a new soloist and they thought I would be perfect so they offered it to me and I took it, isn’t it amazing!”, then David said, “Congratulations, but when are you leaving?”…”In two days, they are going to do this charity for an orphanage in London and they said that we needed to start practicing”…”That is so cool, now ill have an excuse to go to London every time I want” David said, Rose laughed at what David said and then she took them to have some dinner just to celebrate and then they helped her pack everything for her new journey.

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
annie - i love it, i'm glad she forgot about that dumb guy - keep going please

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 2 647
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OMG i just got caught up annie!!

Gerard is a retard and she made the right decision!


*starts to pack suitcase...*

too bad i cant actually go

oh well

update soon annie...plz?

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>


  • Messages : 880
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
haha will4ever!!
ur a funny chika!!

Annie !! U-P-D-A-T-E!! puh..leeze!!!!

<center>&#969;illiam M. babez <big>&#9829; Got exquisite looks!</big></center> <a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i5.tinypic.com/14jxk5l.jpg" border="0" alt="mixed by Roxie ^_^"></a>

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