Miscellanous : A story so much older than sea...

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Well, obviously!!

I am Fortune's fool....
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i like eating chocolate cake made of turtle butter!haha hey go to my RANDOM STUFF!!! board and post random stuff,PLEASE!haha

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 2 617
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
haah SR 'well obviously!!" lol that is seriously hillarious!!!

I am never alone.... <a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/258rsyx.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  • Messages : 30
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
i love it SR u rock!!!(i havnt been on for a while, like a month so i am sooo glad u kept writing) i love it (like i said before) :)

top 3 things: 1.William Moseley 2.Breathing 3.Tea
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Thank you SO much, sweetheart. But It is not me who rocks, you guy (well, girls actually) rock!! Adore and worship every one of you!!

I'm busy writing the next chapter. But since school starts again, I haven’t got that much time anymore to write. The story will go a whole lot slower. Yes, just when you thought I could not write any slower!

I am Fortune's fool....
  • Messages : 271
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  • Pays : Canada
OMG Springrose! That was an amazing story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some people are SNOBS and some ARNT
  • Messages : 2 617
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
ur doing fine hun!!! we know ur busy!

I am never alone.... <a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/258rsyx.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
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Thank you for your awfully kind words, panda-dancer_xoxo, and my world is again a bit brighter than it already was because of all your supporting words.

Thatboysahunk, you are so sympathetic, seriously, you must be an angel. The patience you have with people!!

I am Fortune's fool....
  • Messages : 271
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Canada
aww dang Springrose!
I',m literally crying *Hugs the screen*

Some people are SNOBS and some ARNT
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No please! You don't have to cry!! "Gives a big hug"
Edité par Springrose le 31/08/2006 à 16:23

I am Fortune's fool....
  • Messages : 271
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Canada
*does a little happy dance*

Some people are SNOBS and some ARNT
  • Messages : 256
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Chapter six – silent waters

The sweet singing of a tiny bird awoke Leonora on that beautiful break of her second day in Narnia. At first, when she had just opened her eyes and had looked around in marvel, she had not remembered where she was. However, the instant she had gazed through the window next to her four-poster and had seen the azure sea, she had recalled every delightful detail and each precious memory of the previous evening. She was drowsily stretching out her arms and legs, yawning, and was just taking into consideration to leave the warmth of that cosy double bed and get dressed for breakfast, when all of a sudden, she perceived someone sitting on the mint green cushion of the wooden chair, next to her oaken bed. She gave a slight scream and, frightened by the silhouette, she pulled the blanket over her head. “Oh, my dear lady, I am tremendously sorry, I did not mean to startle you”, Peter said hastily, as he jumped up from his chair.

Leonora peeked from underneath her bedspread; she had recognised Peter’s deep voice and was now furious towards herself for acting childish in his presence. “I wished to have a word with you and when I knocked on the wooden door of your bedroom, I did not perceive an answer. In all my ludicrous boldness, I entered without your say-so. Forgive me, my sweet Leonora”, Peter said, trying to explain why he had entered her room without her consent. Yet he had no idea why he had entered and even in his ears, the words he spoke sounded ridiculous. His feet had listened to his heart and soul, not to his common sense.

Leonora smiled. She had removed the blanket from her face, but she still tried to hide her sleeping gown from Peter’s eyes. “My dear Peter, I have no angry feelings towards you whatsoever. I was merely surprised. My theatrical reaction has startled you as well, I am sure”, she answered Peter’s request for forgiveness. “No, my dear, I should not have given myself the permission to enter your room. But when I saw you, lying there on that bed, so peacefully, I could not find the courage in my heart to wake you from your, ostensibly, sweet dreams”, Peter said, smiling shyly. He had indeed not dared to wake her, and had spent his entire morning in her room, gazing at her fair face while she was sleeping.

“About which matter did you wish to speak with me on this glorious morning, dear king?” Leonora asked, with glowing cheeks as she invited him to sit beside her, on the four-poster-bed. “Oh yes, I wanted to enquire whether you would grace me with your presence for a small jaunt to the riverside?” Peter proposed, while he sat down on the bed, rather far from Leonora. He looked at Leonora with hopeful eyes; hoping that she would join him. “What a wonderful thought, my king. Would we have the joyous presence of your siblings as well?” She asked, already awfully thrilled to see more of that wondrous land of which she had scarcely seen a tiny glimpse. “Well, I am afraid to inform you, that we shall make this wonderful excursion without my beloved brother and cherished sisters. Susan would like to conclude a book she is reading and Lucy and Edmund had planned to go horseback riding for such a long period of time. And at the moment, the weather conditions are just supreme”, Peter said to excuse his siblings. He tried to sound disappointed, but if the truth has to be told, he was rather pleased to spend his day alone with Leonora. “It is indeed a sad fact that your siblings are not able to join us. However, I am sure that I shall equally enjoy my day with the enthralling companionship of the charming High King of Narnia alone. When do we depart?” Leonora asked with a beam on her face. She in fact regretted that no one of Peter’s wonderful siblings would come along with them to the riverside; however, she was unsurprisingly very delighted with the news that they were going to spend the day in each other’s enchanting company as well. “When you are prepared to set off, we shall set off, my girl!” Peter said with a merry tone of voice. “Then I shall dress at a fast pace, my king!” Leonora answered as cheery as Peter had spoken. Peter nodded and sat next to Leonora, waiting for her to dress. His mind was already full with thoughts about their little trip. He was truly looking forward to it. However, much to his surprise, Leonora did not budge an inch. She looked at him with an odd expression on her face; she tried to keep herself from bursting out in a sparkling laughter. “What is the matter, my fair lady?” Peter asked puzzled, looking at Leonora as if he half expected that the answer would be written on her forehead. “It lies not in my wish to sound indecorous, my king; please do not interpret my words by the erroneous fashion. However, would you be so kind to step out of this room, while I change my clothing?” Leonora asked laughing. “Oh, forgive me. I did not… I did not mean...It was not my… I would not...”, Peter uttered. He sighed helplessly. “I shall await your arrival in the Grand Antechamber, down the stairs”, he said with cheeks as red as a ripe strawberry, as he walked to the door.

Leonora smiled remorsefully, she sympathized with Peter, since it was obviously not his intention to make her feel uncomfortable. She swiftly put on a light, long, silk green gown with wide sleeves. The dress had a leaf pattern on the skirt and draped around her hips, she wore a brown leather belt. Then she carefully combed her long, dark hair with one of the golden brushes that lay on a little cupboard in her room. She looked like one of the nymphs who lived in the green heart of the Narnian forests.

When Leonora came running down the stairs, enthusiastic about the trip, she saw Peter standing in the hall. She slowed her steps and moved stealthily to the banister of the staircase. She heard that Peter was talking to himself. “Fool! Why on earth did you find it necessary to enter her room? Where by Aslan’s mane, were your thoughts? Do you truly believe that this is the way to her heart?” Peter mumbled. When Peter had spoken that last sentence, Leonora’s heart skipped a beat. It felt as if her head would burst, numerous daft, sane, cold and loving thoughts dashing around, making her skin tingle. He had declared his love for her, without even knowing it. She decided to sit down for a minute, to stop her hands from trembling and her heart from beating frantically in her chest.

When she got up, she had decided not to speak a word to him about what she had heard. It was too soon. She gracefully walked down the stairs, with her hand resting on the white paling. Peter looked up when he heard her footsteps. Her smile made his heart flutter and he did not know that she went weak at the knees because of his smile. She smiled shyly and walked up to him. “I have already saddled the horses and packed a picnic basket filled with food. Therefore, we can make tracks without delay. I know a beautiful place where we can eat”, Peter said, enthusiastically as a little child on Christmas Evening. “Wonderful! But Peter, I have to admit that I have never before, in my entire life, ridden on a horseback”, Leonora said disappointed. “Not a difficulty whatsoever. You have given me the bliss of having the opportunity to enlighten you with the art of horseback riding”, Peter answered while he winched the picnic basket up from the marble floor and took Leonora’s hand. There was absolutely nothing in the whole, wide, green world that could spoil his perfect day.

They strolled through the Royal gardens, heading for the stables. Peter had saddled his own horse, a white Andalusian horse, and he had saddled a horse for Leonora as well. Leonora had gasped for air as she saw the two magnificent animals. “I have to clamber on one of those enormous creatures?” She exclaimed weakly. Peter smirked. “I shall lend you a hand. Nevertheless, bear in your mind that this animal is no more than a horse. It is not a giraffe”, he said jokingly. Leonora started mollycoddling the beautiful dark horse by which she was going to be carried to the river. “What is the name of this remarkable horse?” She asked. “Well, this is Susan’s horse, actually. And my beloved eldest sister has named him Pearl”, Peter answered. He had never in fact liked that name, since he preferred stronger names for a stallion of that calibre. However, since it was Susan’s horse, he had not interfered with her choice of name. “What an odd name for a black horse”, Leonora whispered.

“Are you ready? ... You can place your hand on my shoulder”, Peter said. Leonora nodded, she laid one hand on the high dark back of the horse and placed her right hand on Peter’s broad shoulder. She set one foot in the iron stirrup. Peter gently placed his rather large hands around Leonora’s slim waist. “Excellent, now you ought to be proficient to climb on top of the horse. You merely have to swing your other leg over the horse”, Peter advised. Again, Leonora nodded and attempted to mount the horse. She did this very carefully, for she did not want to hurt Peter by putting all her weight on his rather muscular shoulder at once.

All of a sudden, her left ankle boot slipped out of the stirrup and she collapsed on the ground. With a shrill scream, she ended up lying on Peter, who she had taken down with her, during her fall. “Are you well? Please forgive me, Peter. My foot slipped.” Leonora uttered while she hastily jumped up from the soil. “It is nothing, really. It could have happened to the best horseback rider”, Peter said to comfort Leonora; he bit his lip to repel the pain in his chest and tried to give Leonora a smile, a rather crooked one, because of the pain. “Do you want to undertake another attempt?” he asked as he got up from the ground. “Are you certain? I may perhaps fall again”, Leonora said. She did not really mind whether she fell again; she purely did not want to harm Peter for a second time. “Oh, I am in no doubt. Moreover, if you would indeed fall once more, then I shall catch you. I am prepared this time”, Peter said teasingly. As is been said before, there was absolutely nothing in the whole, wide, green world that could spoil his day.

The second time, Leonora did manage to get on her horse and as soon as Peter sat on his horse he gave her some instructions to ride. They started of slowly and cautiously, but despite her unfortunate begin, Leonora turned out to have a tremendous gift for riding on a horseback. It did not take too long until they rode through the emerald meadows, in a swift gallop and felt the wind blowing through their hair.

The place next to the river that Peter had picked for the picnic was nothing but perfect. You spoke silent there, as you would do in a cathedral, by means of respect and admiration for the magnificence of nature. There was the refreshing shade of a large tree and the millions of bright flowers smelled like a freshly baked, delicious apple pie. The soothing sound of the streaming cascade made the place look even more like a fairytale. “This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life”, Leonora whispered; staring at the clattering waterfall in front of her after Peter had helped her descend from the horse. “You have translated the thoughts in my mind into words”, Peter said. Leonora looked at his face and saw that he was not looking at the beautiful elements of nature, but at her. Peter swiftly looked away and walked to the horses. He took the basket filled with delicious food, while Leonora laid down a blanket on the soft green grass. They ate their picnic, talking in a silent tone of voice with the soothing songs of some birds and the sound of flowing water as background music.

When they had finished their repast, Peter uncovered the swords, which he had brought with him. “I thought that I could edify you how to fight with a sword. If you wish to be acquainted with it, that is”, Peter introduced. “O yes please!” Leonora answered. He handed Leonora a sword, which she accepted and tried to hold as Peter had done. “O yes, I shall demonstrate you how you should hold this piece of weapon”, Peter said. He laid his hands on Leonora’s hand and swung with the sword. “Do you understand that move?” he asked as he smiled at Leonora. She nodded. They fought for a few hours while Peter gave Leonora some directions about her footwork and the way she swayed her sword. “It seems to me that you have a gift for this art as well. You are truly a girl of many talents”, Peter complimented. After a while, Peter and Leonora were exhausted. “That would be an adequate amount of practise for one day”, Peter said and he walked to the horses to put away the swords. In the intervening time, Leonora strolled to the river. She gazed into the deep blue of the streaming water.

All of a sudden, she saw something or someone move in the water. “Peter, come! Come, look! Fast! There is some creature, swimming in the river!” she screamed ecstatically. Peter smirked. Seeing a nymph in the river was almost ordinary for him. Her wonder was endearing to him. Leonora stood next to the river with an amazed expression. She leaned over the water, her hand reaching for the nymph, touching the nippy water. She had read and heard, as all of us I am sure, about the marvellous creatures who lived in enchanted forests or who called a streaming river their house. Moreover, as a child, she had believed every word, but later she had thought that the actual homes of those remarkable living beings could only be found in the mind and fantasy of a young child. Now she saw one of those fantastic beings, she had remembered those legends that she had once loved so much. She was a young child again and had forgotten about everything around her. Only the determination of being with that nymph was on her mind, the wish to go with her.

Sooner than either Leonora or Peter realised it, she fell into the deep water of the streaming river. Peter saw her, falling into the watercourse, and he heard the sound of spattering water, but it did take a few seconds until he fully realised that his girl was in need of aid. She did not swim back to the surface, nor did he see one hint of her in the rather clear blue water. Peter rapidly took of his heavy tunic and ran to the river. He jumped into the cool water. The life of Leonora was to be won or lost. He took a deep breath and went underwater to find Leonora.

He had searched for hardly a few minutes,which seemed hours to him, when he found her, and he swiftly swum to the surface, holding the lifeless body of Leonora in his arms. When he emerged out of the water, panting for breath, he looked at the face of Leonora. Her skin was as pale as snow, her lips as blue as ice. “Leonora, please wake up”, Peter whispered. His eyes filled with tears as he lovingly caressed Leonora’s soaked hair and tenderly kissed her icy lips.

Edité par Springrose le 29/10/2006 à 21:10

I am Fortune's fool....
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Whether it was the influence of the great lion Aslan or whether it was the vulnerable voice and kiss of a boy in love that saved an innocent girl’s life that day, one can only guess. Many people tell dissimilar versions and many people believe that theirs is the only true one. However, about one thing they all consent: A miracle had occurred in the waters of the great river in the miraculous land of Narnia in the third year of High Kings Peter reign.

The legend states that Leonora’s eyes had yet again opened that day, and that her heart had once again started beating. Peter’s spirit had been overcome with happiness as he felt her warm breath on his skin. The tears in his eyes were now tears of bliss. “What on earth has happened? Why are we in the river?” Leonora whispered bewildered. “You fell in the stream, my dear. A nymph had dragged you to the bottom of the river. Your soul was almost in another world. I dived after you to save you from drowning”, Peter answered. Her eyes had widened when Peter had told her what had happened. Leonora did not know how to express her gratitude to him for his courageous act. She embraced him, shivering because of the cold water in which Peter and she were still standing and trembling because of the thought of the death from which she had escaped.

Their faces were mere inches away from each other. Their thoughts ran back to the previous evening on the balcony. “Maybe we should return to the castle. Susan, Edmund, and Lucy would be waiting with dinner”, Peter whispered. He thought that it was still too soon to show his feelings. He was afraid to explain to her how she made his heart flutter with every move she made and how he adored the sound of her voice more than the most beautiful melody.

They rode back to the castle in silence. They stabled their horses and strolled to the castle, through the royal gardens. There, they met Susan. She was sitting on a little bench, reading the very last page of her massive book. She looked up as she heard their footsteps. She looked up smiling. Nevertheless, when she saw their appearances, her expression changed. “What by the great king Aslan has happened? Why are you both soaked and Peter, why on earth do you saunter around without your tunic?” She exclaimed. Peter told her the story about the nymph and that Leonora had fallen into the water. He explained that he had jumped after her, but that his tunic would have drawn him to the bottom of the river. He did not inform Susan about the fact that Leonora had almost drowned. It would only cause Susan to get worried about an event that already lied in the past.

When Susan had heard the complete story, her expression changed back to a smile, although it was a rather disbelieving one. “Well, please, quickly. Change into a pair of dry clothes. You may possibly catch a cold, strolling around like this! Edmund and Lucy have arrived as well and the cooking staffs have informed me that we shall have dinner in about half an hour”, Susan said. Peter and Leonora said goodbye to Susan, rather shyly, trying to avoid each other’s eyes, and walked to their room, to get ready for a welcome warm dinner. Although Susan did not say it audibly, she had found their story rather fare-fetched. She looked back at her book and read the last lines. “And they lived happily ever after”. Susan smirked. “Apparently they are not the only ones”, She whispered. Susan closed her book, got up from her seat and walked back to the castle…

Edité par Springrose le 29/10/2006 à 21:15

I am Fortune's fool....
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So, that is that. I hope you liked it. It has been a while since I wrote the last chapter. So yeah. I tried my best, it is still rather dull, but I did not want to wait any longer, I really wanted to post it. I hope the next one will be better. Love you all and please be so kind to tell me what you think about chapter six- silent waters.

I am Fortune's fool....
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  • Pays : Chine
It's really good. Panda told me to look into this topic because you're writing a super good story. And she's right:D

amazing banner by Hannah at www.liam.easy-target.com
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Thank you sweetie. I needed that. It's really kind of you to take the time to read it. I'm glad you liked it.

And by the way, all the stories on this site are wonderful. I mean, all these people are born writers. And not to mention the gorgeous lyrics on here!! Talent surrounds us, my fair ladies!!
Edité par Springrose le 10/11/2006 à 20:08

I am Fortune's fool....

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