Miscellanous : more songs!!!lol [sorry,this was in the french version]

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Fil de la discussion "more songs!!!lol [sorry,this was in the french version]"
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  • Messages : 492
  • Statut : Habituée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
yeah, it is long but I still like it better

cool song!

Magnificent has a second definition now: William <a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p231/beloved_owl/willisSOHOTT.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
thts a gud song, mate!!!!!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 3 305
  • Statut : Experte
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aww thanks you guys (:
it's probably the best one i've written.
here's a new one

"Secret Box"

She woke up in the morning
At an early 7:15 am
She heard the birds chirping
So she got up and could stand

She opened up the door
Walked into the living room
Inside,was a box
Holding all her secrets

She wondered what else she put in there
So she opened up,and inside she saw
Her past mending up her future
Her future in her secret box

She heard her mom and dad yelling
She got under the blankets and cried
She prayed for God to mend her family
In a year,her dad had died

She was lonely,hoping,wishing
That everything would be alright
She was hurting,cutting,smoking
Her life put up a fight

She wondered what else she put in there
So she opened up,and inside she saw
Her past mending up her future
Her future in her secret box

Her mother died when she was fifty-four
She had blood all over her hair
She cut a heart into her forehead
And there she lied...dead

The girl kept crying
Inside,she was dying
She kept hurting herself
Lord,give her help

She wondered what else she put in there
So she opened up,and inside she saw
Her past mending up her future
Her future in her secret box
Her future died in her secreat box

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
its like seeing my life on a page...wow.
Thats so good.
Mine's nowhere near as good.

Need to Know.

Minor setback in the race
Like a heartbeat out of place
Like a quarry scars the earth
So my skin takes all my hurt
Dont just judge by what you see
Long white lines and a scratch or three
But there is so much more than that to me

Isnt it a funny game we're playing?
And if you had these scars then what would you be saying?
Prison breakout from Demon Jail gonna get you
Throw your heart at the wall but would your arm let you?
Would your arm let you, hope that they dont get you,
Do they have to know?

Broken homes and chewed lives
Monster eating your insides
Rosy petals on the ground
Trampled up by 40 towns
Not much more can be done now
Dont let memories drag you down
Cos there is so much more than that to see


Snapped string, burn things
Time kills eveything
Except regrets
That you'd rather forget

40,000 thieves to prove
Your soul's been stolen, hah, you lose
Stars marked STUPID pin you down
And paint LOSER on your crown
Spread your wing and fly away
Cos its costing too much to stay
Twenty drops of my blood a day


My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
and another


Dont leave me hanging
Up on this thread
If I snap this rope
Then I fall to my death
Im feeling lonely
For someone who cares
But hopeless and uselessness
Always second best

My arms have cried more than my eyes
A knife called Hypocrisy cut our ties

It was everything but nothing all around me
It was breathing but suffocating, try to ground me
And scars stood out whiter than they had ever done
Blood ran down my arms and hands to see
To find someone who understands me

Im screaming your name
Over in my head
It'll wake up the living
But not bring back the Dead
Im slipping under
The surface of fire
And the my mountain of sorrow
Gets higher and higher

And Im falling faster than before
But no-ones there to break my fall.


My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 3 305
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays :
that's so sad ):

"She Knew"

She turned up the radio
Just drown out her sorrows(yeah)
She turned on the tv
Just to see her life on screen(ohh)

She knew that she wouldn't make it
Her life was turned upside down
From now on,she couldn't take it
So she decided to drown,yeah

She broke heavily,like a window with a rock
She tore her life apart just by screaming
She knew she would be sad for a long time
But she wanted to be happy,yeah
(She knew,she knew,she knew she would be sad)

She tried so hard to stop crying
But inside,she couldn't stop dying
She wanted to be her best
But she was just a mess

She decided to go for a ride
So she could stop screaming inside(ooh)
She wanted to kill herself
So she drove up to a bridge and fell(whoa)

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 3 305
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays :
"She Knew"

She turned up the radio
Just drown out her sorrows(yeah)
She turned on the tv
Just to see her life on screen(ohh)

She knew that she wouldn't make it
Her life was turned upside down
From now on,she couldn't take it
So she decided to drown,yeah

She broke heavily,like a window with a rock
She tore her life apart just by screaming
She knew she would be sad for a long time
But she wanted to be happy,yeah
(She knew,she knew,she knew she would be sad)

She tried so hard to stop crying
But inside,she couldn't stop dying
She wanted to be her best
But she was just a mess

She decided to go for a ride
So she could stop screaming inside(ooh)
She wanted to kill herself
So she drove up to a bridge and fell(whoa)

She broke heavily,like a window with a rock
She tore her life apart just by screaming
She knew she would be sad for a long time
But she wanted to be happy,yeah
(She knew,she knew,she knew she would be sad)

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
oh my god. thats actually made me cry. thats beautiful.

This song I wrote about a friend of mine called Tessa. Me and my brother grew up with her. Her mum died when she was 13. And then she had to go and live in Brazil with her Dad. But now shes back, and shes 17 and its great, and I saw her for the first time in 4 years on Saturday.


I couldnt tell you why she cried inside
Instead of showing it on the surface
I think she realised when her mother died
And she picked the rose that her mother kissed
I think she knew that when her father cried
And she had to live her home
Sometimes her beauty wasnt recognised
When it contrasts with what is being shown

Who's to say that sunny skies wont lead to rain?
Who's to say the problems will just go away?
Who's to point at her reckless ways and lay the blame?

All the pain she felt within
Was transferred onto her skin
All the pills she had to take
Cos she couldnt bear to stay awake
And it felt like when she fell
She fell all the way to Hell
And her Rose got darker everyday

Upon her desk the rose it lay
Until its stalk blackened and petals died
And I believe that was the same day
That she finally died inside
She sank deeper into her own mind
And the mountain it grew higher
And she drew pictures of her rose and vine
Except this time it was on fire...

Who's to say that sunny skies wont lead to rain?
Who's to say the problems should go away?
Who's to point the finger at our stupid ways and say


My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 3 305
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays :
that's all i can say,is wow.
that's really touching.
here's a new one

"Heavily Dead"

She was broken into pieces
She knew she was dying

She stood up and ran
Into the bathroom
She threw up and then
She was heavily...

Heavily dead
Like I wanted to watch her die?
Heavily dead
Seeing her dead body made me cry
Heavily broken
She turned up the radio
So no one could hear her screaming
Heavily dead

Her funeral was that day
She was my only friend

She tore herself apart
She wanted to see her heart


I watched her fade away
I stood there with nothing to say
I watched her favorite movie
While eating her favorite candy
I wish I had something to say
But now we are both...

Heavily dead
Heavily dead
With nothing spoken
Heavily dead
Why did I watch you die?
I started to cry
Now we are...


on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
wow. omg. wow. oh thts painful.

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 3 305
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays :
yeah,it's sort of a mix
of when my grandpa died
and when my great-grandma died

"In Her Head"

She stood in church thinking
About what he had said
She stood there watching
Him jump up and down

Then he turned around
He looked at her so long
She turned to her friend and said
"What is he thinking?"

So he ran up to her
Then he kissed her
He ran back down
And she stood there confused
She was thinking
While lying in bed
She wanted to know
Why he was in her head

The next morning when she woke up
She decided to take a hot shower
That afternoon,she answered the door
It was him,the one who made her swoon

She was breathing slowly
As she sat next to him
He was barely thinking
She wanted to give in


They were in love
So deeply,so beautifully
They were deeply in love
They looked at each other every day
Every,every,every day


on the edge of seventeen...

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