Miscellanous : have you had any CRAZY dreams?

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Fil de la discussion "have you had any CRAZY dreams?"
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haha i wouldve said yes prolly cause dan really doesnt like me that much... were just friends...so yeah thats what im going on...

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
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i had another dream it happend friday night but i keep on forgeting to post it!:
i was in some house,...i am guessing it was mine but it was wayyy different from my house and i was watching movie trailors on youtube.com and all of a sudden there was a movie with william and his brother ben in it. i didnt even pay attention to what the movie was about but anyways it was really kool...there was a part with William shirtless!! & Ben was cute but short hehe. Ben had more chocolate brown hair...but other than that looked almost like William!! In the dream I told Bree right away and I think I remember I posted the video on this website!! It was soo great except I totally thought it was all REAL so when I woke up I was totally confused to were I was...which is a bit odd! Then I was mad because it wasn`t real

<center> <font size=7 color=hotpink> I &#9829; William</font><br> <img src="http://i1.tinypic.com/ng3q52.gif"><br> <img src="http://i1.tinypic.com/ng4oia.png"><img src="http://i1.tinypic.com/ng4j21.png"><img src="http://i1.tinypic.com/ng4mc2.png"
  • Messages : 332
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k this is my friend's daydream:
will,georgie,anna and skandar cam to my house and they had dinner and then my mom ask will if he wanted water,soda or tea and he was like,'Tea,please!' and then I'm like,'I knew you were gonna pick tea.' and then william said,'How'd you know that I was gonna pick tea?' and i said,'Research!' and he's like,'Of course.Interviewers have been tackling me with questions for the past few days.' and im like,'Oh my gosh,I am so sorry!' and then he said,'It's not your fault,it's the media's fault!' and then my mom brings him the tea and he's like,'Oh,lovely.Thank you.' and then my mom says,'What would you like,dear?' to me.and then i said,'Tea,please!!' and then william says,'I knew you were gonna pick tea.' and i said,'How?!' and then he said,'Research!Just kidding.' and then i said,'You're weird!' and then he said,'Well,I'm not the one who's on the computer 24 hours a day researching about me.' and then i said,'Whatever!' and then we all start laughing.and then after dinner all of us go in the living room to watch 'The Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion,The Witch and The Wardrobe'.and im sitting next to Will and then my mom turns out the lights so we can see the tv better.and im like,'Oh my god!This can't be happening!' and then suddenly i hear somebody saying,'Joy,are you done with your test?' and im like,'Huh?!' and thats the end of my day dream.WAAAA!

P.S.--and i got way in trouble for daydreaming in school!!
that was my friend's day dream.soo cool,huh?
Edité par kiki755 le 10/02/2006 à 01:57

Check the gate....
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thats so hilarious! i had a dream the other night too! It was great i couldnt stop talking about it, even ask ashlee! I had a dream that I went swimming in Steamboat Springs, Colorado with Will, Anna, Skandar, and Georgie and i got free tows throught the water from will and they were great! Then we decided to go on a walk, me and will and we were talking about how I have seen every photo there is to see of him. Then he pulls out a folder that has a billion pictures of him in there and hes like, Betcha havent seen these! And he didnt have an accent either which made that part of the dream suck. Then we sat down and watched the sun go down talking about nothing and cuddling! Then Ben appeared out of nowhere and he was Russian and will was speaking russian to him. Then I showed him my ring that my dad made that i am obsessed with and he was like wow! So then he showed ben the ring and Ben broke it! Stupid boy! but there was gold in it so these guys were trying to steal it from me. So me and will ran then i woke up! UGH! it was just getting to the hot spot! Anyways, that was the greatest dream of will i have had!

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  • Messages : 150
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I had this funky dream of william. Here it goes:

I was in this house where my family in canada were having a party. I go downstairs and i see Will standing there. Then I start screaming,"Oh my gosh you're William Moseley", and when I was saying that he starts saying,"You're Annabelle(my name), the girl that does the tootsie roll dance!!" I was surprised that he was excited to see me. I think he said the tootie roll dance because that day when i wasnt dreaming someone had told me what the tootsie roll dance was. Anyways he was wearing the coat that he wore in the movie except it was grayish white with a striped blue polo shirt. Then he starts hugging me and it was really warm and then he had to go. And for some strange reason he was going home with that actor in that show 24 which is his favorite show to watch and I like that show too. And again I think it had to be that guy from 24 because i was watching that show before i went to sleep.

The dream ended when my older brother starts screaming in my ear to wake up.
Havent you guys noticed that usually when you dream there is always something in that dream that you had done or seen that day.

So anyways that was my weird dream!

"Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen." <br> <img src="http://pics.livejournal.com/ladyjaida/pic/000fc77r/tc8c8" width="200" height="180"/></p><br> &#9829;<b>All American Rejects...</b>
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yeah, i noticed that. i haven't had bareley any dreams with will lateley. bummer.

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yeah totally, ok, heres my dream that i just had...
ok, so its like a school thing and i asked thios guy to it, and he says yes, btu right at the last minate... he cancels on me. i was really depressed, and was pouting in my room when my mom came in and was like, can i do anything for you? and i was like get me a date..." and shes like well i cant do that... and she walks out of the room. the my cell phine rings and i answer it and someone on the line, was like look out ur wuindow and im like whos this? and they are like do it...so i do and william is standing in the road, in a tux with flowers!!!! my eyes get huge and i run downstairs and otu the door and run over to him. "ur...ur... you!!!" i scream and he laughs and hugs me and hes like i heard u needed a date... and i was like, yeah, but how did you knmow??? and hes like ur mom called me... and i turn around and my mom is standing in the doorway and smiling. so we go into my house and i get dressed in my dress and my mom takes pics and we leave. when we get into the limo, he turns to me, and i think he was gonna kis me, but our neighbrs dog started barking and it woke me up!!!! i was ealy mad! but it was still awesome

"Peter pevensie, formally a finchly."..."Beaver also mentioned that you were planning on turning him into a hat..." (peter smiles his amazing smile) hehe thats my favorite line...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
poor girl! that is such an awesome dream even!

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i can never dream will when i want to! GRRRRRRRRR

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
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omg that is sooo awesome!

on the edge of seventeen...
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omg that is sooo awesome!once i had a dream that i talked to him on the phone!and then met him!!!it was sooo long,i cant put it into words!lol

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 234
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i had the most AWESOME AND ROMANTIC dreamm with will in it: ok here goes- will went to my school ain the dream and during class i had to use the bathroom so i was walking through the hall and i saw will and a bunch of his friends standing by his locker and in my dream i had a huge crush on him andi was looking at him and then he looked up and totally caught me staring and i looked away because i super embarassed and then he walked over and fell in step behind me then he grabbed my wrist and turned me around and held me close to him (soo cheesy i kno but it was sooo awesome ) he said wanna dance? and i was like What!? in the Middle of the hall way? and he was like sure why not he put his hand on my waist and with his other hand took mine and we started dancing all of his friends where like wooo-woo! and stuff and he just looked down and smiled and then we kissed and then (ok most cheesy random part but whatever ) the fire sprinklers wnt off and he and i kept dancing and kissing and everyone in the building just ran past us and we were soaked and then we started laughing and jumping around in puddles that had formed

a cute boy always makes a good movie . . . . even better.
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that is the bestestestestest dream in this whole board! very creative! i love the puddles!

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I wish i could dream him when i want to!

<font size=1><center></i><font face=verdana>lately ive been wishing i had one desire<br>one that would make me never want another...something that made it so that nothing mattered<br>.all would be clear then.
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i havent dreamed about him in three days!grr!makes me so mad

on the edge of seventeen...
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poor william_693. three whole days. bummer. haha

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  • Messages : 234
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trust me if i could dream when i want iwould never wake up this one was the best one i'va ever had!!!

a cute boy always makes a good movie . . . . even better.
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yes,poor me!!!!!i mean,my life is all about Will now!i mean,im even obsessing sooooooo much with will4ever!!!this is the best thing that ever happened to me!im sooo glad i found this site!lol

on the edge of seventeen...
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DITO!! william_693-i got ur back in obsessing!!!! :-d

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
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omg THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol ok lets start!!!!

on the edge of seventeen...

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