Miscellanous : Blonde moments

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  • Messages : 106
  • Statut : Newbie
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
Do any of yall have "blonde moments"? (I kno you do so dont lie.lol) Post them here... if you dare.lol. If you are brave enough and dont care who laughs at you, you can post you or your friends(with permission ) here!!! Here are some of mine...

One time my mom told me to plug up the curling iron I asked if she wanted me to turn it on!!! (her reply- well yes!!!) (funny???)

And another time I was talking to my mom on the phone and then all of a sudden I asked who is this? (are you laughing???)

And even another time I answered the phone and it was my aunt she asked if my mom was there and I said yes and just sat there on the phone for a really long time not saying anything and she was like "hello" and I was like, "oh did you want to talk to her" (have you laughed at all???)

One day I called my friend and she wasnt home so I called like 5 mins later and I kept calling then when she finally got home I realized that I dialed the wrong number andanother person who had the same name as my friend lived there!!! (you can laugh its ok)

Ok so it was like storming and I was in the shower and it stoped when I was getting out and I asked myself(outloud) "why is it so dark in here" then I realized that I had my eyes closed!!! (are you laughing or stareing at the screen???)

Ok by now you think I'm nuts right? well thats ok, post some things that'll make you look nutts, if you dont care if you are nutts!!!

Remember it takes a second to form a crush, a minuet to fall in love, but a life time to forget!!!
  • Messages : 37
  • Statut : Arrivant
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
i was in class and i acciendently said that 6*3=24 and everyone laughed and i said that was right i felt like a total dimbasul

im too hot 4 your cookie too cute 4 ur cookie hell screw it give me the damn cookie


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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
I have one but I can't remember, really...
I'm sure I'll think of one later on....

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  • Messages : 106
  • Statut : Newbie
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
well I have alot!!! I mean ALOT!!! Here are some more...

Me and my friend and her friend and her x-boy friend were at her x-boyfriends house swimming in his pool and her friend thought she saw a bird that was on a fence fall and die, I believed her!!!

^^^We were watching movies at her x-bf house too, and during Death Tunnel me and her friend didnt get it and I was talking to the tv and my friend said "what the heck are you doing" I was like what do you mean she was like you were talking to the tv, I was like oh, I didnt know that!!! (these arent that funny I kno)

at her x-bf house I also was waiting for my friend and her x-bf to come back with drinks and her friend got up and put the toy powerranger from his shelf(did I mention he is 16?) and she stuffed it in my friends purse when they came back me and her started cracking up. every now and then we'd both just start laughing and my friend and her x-bf thought we were nuts and then my friend was like say powerranger to her x-bf and he did and me and her friend couldnt stop laughing. then he of course had to get up and play the power ranger theam song and we like couldnt breath!!! Finally my friend was like what is so funny her friend was like youll see later, she looked at his shelf and started laughing and asked me if it was the missing power ranger I was like yea!!! Well once we got back to her house and her x-bf was gone she was looking in her purse and was like why'd you put the power ranger in my purse I was like what power range? (I ko these arent that funny but I have more it'll take me time to think tho)

Remember it takes a second to form a crush, a minuet to fall in love, but a life time to forget!!!
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ok once i was talking to my friend Joy(willsbridetobe) on the phone and i said "yea my brother David owns that" and she was like "Huh???" and i said "what?" she said "you said brother.YOU'RE AN ONLY CHILD!!" i slapped myself on the head and said "oops yea i meant cousin!" lol

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 1 331
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
on the first day of my seventh grade(my first day at Jr. high) i went to my fifth period, when i was supposed to go to my fourth!!! i had to go to fifth period TWICE and i missed my first day of choir!!!!

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
iokay here is one...
i was driving and it was almost my first time ever and i had to stop for a stop sign on a pedestrian cross walk. well, so my mom was giving me directions, and she said
"go past the stop sign..."
and so i just went right through the stop sign!!!
lucky i didnt run over anything. or anyone!

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haha thats so funny!!!

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 106
  • Statut : Newbie
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
he he... well I'm still thinking oh... got 1...

the other day my mom told me to make my little sister some ramon nuddles for luch so I put a pot with water in it on the burner(we have a gas stove) and I thought I turned it on when my mom came in like 10 mins later she was like you turned the gas on but not the fire!!!

heres another 1 that I thought of cuz of that 1...

My dad asked me to make mac 'n' cheese(the minute mac) so I puored the little packet in a bowl and I forgot to put water in it and I put it in the microwave and it burned and the house stunck for like 2 weeks!!!

I thought of something else now!!!

I was washing my hands in the kitchen and I grabbed a dish towel and dried my hands on it then I threw it on the counter but I didnt notice the candle and the towel caught on fire and I sooo dumb and blew it out instead of putting it in the sink that was RIGHT next to me!!! I got the flame out luckly!!!

Remember it takes a second to form a crush, a minuet to fall in love, but a life time to forget!!!
  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
OMGosh!! that was hillarious! more more!

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  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
OMGosh!! that was hillarious! more more!

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  • Messages : 548
  • Statut : Confirmée
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
lol those r all so funny i've got some. ready?

k well when i first met my friend rich he comes up to me and says "hi i'm rich" i say "yea, uh huh, sure u r" then he's like "no rly, thats my name" and i'm like "w/e u say" it took like 5 minutes for me to rly get that that was his name and he wasn't being cocky lol

here's another

we were for some reason running out of our choir room and i slammed right into the door that is locked like every day and i totally fell back on my butt lol

k well here's a blonde moment that happened in my sleep, so i was on a mission trip and i was doin my homework cause it was during the school year and i was stuck on this math problem where u had to solve for "X" so i just stopped for the day and i was just goin to do it the next day and appearantly in my sleep i kept sayin "x=0 y don't u get it? x=0!!! gosh x=0" lol

oh and on another mission trip to the same place, but a couple months earlier, we were drivin back from our work site and one of the guys says o the next street is called gullable lane and i go o rly and i turned and looked and i was like no its not its called new haven ct or something like that i don't completely rmb . . .

sometimes i'm glad i'm blonde b/c i don't think i could handle being a brunette w/ all the blonde moments i have lol

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 25
  • Statut : Arrivante
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
ok... one time i said i was 6 foot 7 insted of five foot seven!!
i once said that i could bench up to 175... i was arguing with my friend forever when i realized i ment squat!!
i have done so many stupid things i can't even remember!! i one time asked my mom where we were going nad she told me and i forgot the second after and had o ask again!!
i have even told a joke that i didn't get until after i told it three times!!!

Today is the tomarrow you worried about yesterday
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o to go along w/ not gettin jokes - ya know that joke that goes "y is 6 afraid of 7?" . . . "b/c 7 8 9" i've told that joke a million times and its so old and i just got that the 8 was like ate as in referring to eating something rly recently how bad is that? lol

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 174
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i'm a smart blonde
but i really can't spell the other day i spelled "of"
"o-v" and i do alot of other stuff that i can't think ov right now.

(did ya'll catch my j/k?)

  • Messages : 548
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lol - i'm a smart blonde too when it comes to school like book smarts but not so much on the common sense thing sometimes lol

JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY TO HEAVEN! john 14:6 (paraphrased by me) 3nails + 1cross = 4given
  • Messages : 25
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
have you ever went to go get something and when you got to the room you forgot wha tit was you went to get? i have done that sooooo mant times!!
or i will have something in my hand and search the whole house franticly for it thinking it s lost... i have even set something down and no tknow where it went!!!
the funny thing is i am not even blonde... i used to be white blonde and as i got older my hair got darker... so now it's like a really light brown with blonde high lights. it's sooo cool and it'a all natural... i have never done any thing to my hair but curl or sraighten it!!

okay okay i will sut up now!!!!!!!

Today is the tomarrow you worried about yesterday
  • Messages : 2 617
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
you dont have to!
yeah my sis's hair is that way!
i am so jealous!
i have never died y hair either...
us naturasl people rock!

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i know its better for hair to not dye it. i never knew you were jealous of my hair ashlee

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i really like the color!

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