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Well, before you read this story, there are a few things I need to tell you. First of all, this story isn’t going to be very long and second of all it isn’t very original as well. Also I really like changing things and I’m awfully indecisive, so I don’t know if this is the final version. Please be patient with me. Just keep in mind that I am still suffering from a mild form of the I-Love-William/Peter-virus. I appreciate all your comments and ideas. Thanks on beforehand.


Greetings, My name is Iris Carpenter. The story I am about to tell you, has been narrated this way for centuries and has been written in a thousand books. Many think it is merely a fairy-tale, for what you are about to read, does sound unbelievable. However, you have to realise that not all fairy-tales are make-believe, nor is anything impossible. This is the story of my great-grandmother, Leonora and how she found out that, beyond doubt, believing in fairy-tales , sometimes is worthwhile….

Chapter one - Where do I begin...

As so many stories, Leonora’s tale starts on a vivid, sun drenched day. Leonora was sitting on a timber swing in her little green garden. The large magnolia tree endowed her with some shade. She wore a sapphire summer dress which fitted rather tightly around her waist, but had a wide skirt that reached to her ankles. She felt as the soft wind played with her long, dark locks and smiled in enchantment. She was the kind of girl that treasured being somewhere. Just being. She enjoyed watching people doing their daily routines and was very found of listening to their stories. People told her plenty of things, since she was a gifted listener and people could trust her. They knew she would keep their secrets save for eternity. She would often sit down in her favourite little easy-chair, reading another wonderful book. Her mind was never at ease. She was always thinking or dreaming about the most wondrous and sometimes hilarious things. Therefore, you could say she did lots of things. But the people around her didn’t quite share the same opinion. They saw the things she did do, as being merely variations on doing nothing. She was the kind of girl that preferred walking barefoot to wearing the most astonishing shoes. Walking barefoot and feeling the tickling of the green grass between her toes, made her feel liberated. And being free was a blessing she cherished mostly. She adored the medieval times. Those breathtaking stories about beautiful princesses who were saved by the most courageous knights in shining armour, made her heart skip a beat.

That luminous day she was, as always, sitting in her summer dress, thinking. Several thoughts crossed her rapid mind. The magnificent vision of that flowering shrub of roses, that sweet smell of the spring air, that wonderful feeling as the sun kissed her fair skin and the enthralling sound of the floating river. She was pondering about the fact that so far, her fifteen-year-old life had seemed purely a prelude to something much greater and more significant than herself. She had a splendid life, though. She was blessed with a family that loved and treasured her, even though they didn’t always understood her. She achieved good grades, had lots of trustworthy friends and was rather nice-looking. Nonetheless, it appeared her life was not complete, as though she was missing something.
If only she knew what it was …

Leonora sighed and got up. She wanted to get a book in which she would be able to get lost for a few hours. Just to clear her mind of thoughts. But out of the blue, she tripped over a root of the magnolia she was sitting under. She was lying unconscious on the soft green grass. Apparently, fate had other plans with her…

Edité par Springrose le 25/06/2006 à 20:41

I am Fortune's fool....
  • Messages : 3 414
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
oh SR this is really good!
plz continue!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 1 331
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
coolio girlie!!! that story is rockin'!!!

♥ William Moseley ♥ forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
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Oh, thank you so much. That’s truly sweet of you. It means the world to me. I shall try to write another chapter as soon as possible. But I’m awfully slow and terrible with deadlines, so…

I am Fortune's fool....
  • Messages : 3 414
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
oh dw about it!
take your time!
as long as you get it up, i'm happy!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 30
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
ya i read it & it ,like, so rocks so far! keep goin

top 3 things: 1.William Moseley 2.Breathing 3.Tea
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"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
just keep writing, just keep writing...........

♥ William Moseley ♥ forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
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Again, thank you so much for your compliments. It really means a lot to me. I'm not quite sure about this chapter yet, but oh well.

Chapter 2 – Old soul

Peter had always seemed elder than his years. He was an old child, someone with an ancient soul. Ever since his siblings Lucy, Edmund and Susan were born, not a moment had gone by that he had not looked after them. He had always been more wary for their welfare and safety than for his own. His protective instinct had come naturally. He couldn’t remember when he had not acted as if he was their guardian. Nor could anyone else. He cared for them with all his heart. The sweet smile and childlike innocence of Lucy, the kind and clever look in Susan’s eyes and the audacious but sometimes inconsiderate Edmund. He adored every one of his siblings and appreciated them in their own way. He had a lot of truthful friends, who trusted him with their lives, for he was most sincere and loyal. He wouldn’t allow anyone to take the blame for him and his extraordinary sense of honour always made the punishment less severe. If one of his friends had a problem or needed some help, Peter was always there to lend him a helping hand and save him from impairment. He appeared to have the courteous heart of a prince, and perhaps even the heart of a king.

As the dreadful war entered his once so blissful life and his beloved father had to join the army, he became even more shielding. He could not bear the thought of his dear family getting hurt. At the outset, he wanted to join the army and follow his father, for he was a gallant boy as well. But since he was far too young, he took the grave task of taking care of his siblings upon him. A task that was sacred to him.

He had grown up very quickly. He could not do other wise. Being a child during warfare was almost out of the question. He wanted to be a father for his siblings. The father they needed so much during those dark and frightening times and missed each second of the day. Peter would not allow himself to leave them all alone. He knew they needed him as much he needed them.

When he and his siblings were sent away to a house on the countryside, Peter had faithfully promised his mother to take care of them. He was not the kind of boy who would easily break his promise. When his sweet little sister, Lucy, told him she had discovered a magical world inside a dusty wardrobe, he couldn’t believe her, as much as he would have wanted to. He had always had a soft spot for Lucy and it had pained him, seeing her cry because of his disbelieve. But when he entered the world himself, accompanied by his siblings, he realised that even in magical worlds, war had turned its revolting head.

A marvellous place Narnia truly was. Not only did there live the most remarkable creatures, everyone who entered the land, was in complete awe of the land’s beauty as well. One could almost feel and breathe the magic that was suspended in the freezing air. But as been said before, not all was well in Narnia. The Narnians had not seen pink blossoms on the tree branches for one hundred years. Nor had anyone received one single present from Father Christmas. For an evil witch had covered the land with an everlasting winter. Only Aslan could save Narnia now.

All at once, brave young Peter had to fulfil two significant tasks. Not only was he the one who had to keep his family safe from harm, he had to save a wonderful world from perishing by the witch’s petrifying reign as well. When his brother Edmund was captured by the witch, Peter could not help himself but thinking it was his fault. He was the one who had shouted at him and he knew in his heart that he had been to hard on him. Those quarrels had not broken their band of brotherhood. He truly loved his brother, even though Edmund had done some terrible things. He hoped profoundly that Edmund knew that. If necessary, Peter was willing to give his life for both Edmund and Narnia.

Peter had conducted an enormous army into battle. He himself, seated on a white unicorn, led them to victory. He had fought the enemy with the sword that once was given to him by Father Christmas. He wore and utilized it with such grace. The blade almost seemed to become a part of him. Evil had been overcome. But Peter knew that he couldn’t take all praise. It had not once crossed his mind. Without the help of his siblings, the many bizarre creatures and Aslan, he would have never triumphed over the White Witch and her gigantic army. He had managed to keep his precious family unharmed as well. Peter, Susan, Lucy and Edmund became the new kings and queens of Narnia. At last, two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve sat on throne in Cair Paravel.

He became Peter the Magnificent, as had been prophesied so many decades ago. And somehow, it wasn’t unforeseen. Peter had always been destined to be a king. Although he was still a boy, he did have the heroic heart of a noble man. Many brave men would have lost their minds, knowing that they ruled a kingdom, blinded by their own infinite power. But not Peter. He accepted the leadership and crown with a rare humbleness and integrity. He was a righteous, tranquil and wonderful king. A leader with a wise and honest heart. Under his reign, Narnia was at his prime of splendour. He had led Narnia into the glorious Golden Ages. People were prepared to follow him to the death. He was Narnia’s King Arthur. The sort of king ballads are sung for. The king of their dreams.

On a sparkling and vivid day, during the third year of his reign, he went out, horseback riding. He loved the feeling of riding bareback, his steady eyes staring into the breathtaking Narnian horizon. He smiled as the wind caressed his sun kissed features. He was a tall and broad seventeen-year-old man with mesmerizing sapphire eyes and fair, almost golden, hair. Suddenly, something had caught his attention. His accurate eye had noticed a girl, lying unconscious under a blooming magnolia tree. At first he had thought she was a fallen angel, lying their peacefully. He had thought she was the most perfect creature he had ever laid his cobalt eyes on. But then he realised that she was in desperate need of medical care. He took her in his strong arms and placed her on his white horse. He rode to Cair Paravel, holding her close to his heart…
Edité par Springrose le 02/07/2006 à 18:28
Edité par Springrose le 02/07/2006 à 22:09

I am Fortune's fool....
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
ohhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! how sweet!!!

i want that girl to be me!!!!!

♥ William Moseley ♥ forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 30
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
that is cool! at first, i was wondering how chapters 1 & 2 connected, or were even in the same story but now... It rocks!

top 3 things: 1.William Moseley 2.Breathing 3.Tea
  • Messages : 1 331
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
of course it does!!!!!!

♥ William Moseley ♥ forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 3 414
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
yeah me to jesica! i thought, how on earth are these things connected, but it fits together perfectly!

great job SR keep writing! i can't wait for more!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 1 331
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
update soon or we shall come and find you..........

♥ William Moseley ♥ forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 2 617
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
haha yeah i really like this story friend! ur a great write that inclufdes a lot of details...i am very impressed!
and i wana be taht girl!

I am never alone.... <a href="http://tinypic.com"><img src="http://i8.tinypic.com/258rsyx.png" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
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Thank you SO much!! I've been away for a week,on a language camp, so I wasn't able to read your comments, but now I've read them, wow!! Thanks! I shall try to write another chapter as soon as possible.

I am Fortune's fool....
  • Messages : 3 414
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
I can't wait!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 30
  • Statut : Arrivante
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
me 2
come on, come on hurry!

top 3 things: 1.William Moseley 2.Breathing 3.Tea
  • Messages : 256
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Chapter 3 – Caught in each others eyes

It had been seven long, painful days and seven endless, dark nights for the High King, since he had found that mysterious girl under a large magnolia tree and had swiftly carried her to Cair Paravel. He had demanded the most qualified doctors in whole Narnia and had told them to take care of her with all the medical strength and knowledge that lay within them. He was most concerned about her health and her wellbeing. He had even given her some of Lucy’s curative potion. But for some bizarre reason, it had, mournfully, no healing effect on her, what so ever. Peter had arranged a peaceful room in the castle for her. He had devotedly not left her side since the moment he had caringly laid her down on the soft bed. She had not once been out of his thoughts. But now, as he lovingly looked at her pale visage, the hope that his beautiful angel would ever come to life again, began to fade. Each day, it became more and more doubtful, if not impossible, that she would be able to recover. The petrifying thought that he would never get a chance to meet her and tell her about his amorous feelings, pained his good heart.

The concerned and comforting sound of a warm and tender voice was the first thing Leonora heard. “She is waking up! Thank Aslan! Are you safe and sound? Are you able to get up? Can I help you, milady?” When Leonora opened her auburn eyes, she gazed, much to her surprise, in the enchanting azure pair of a youthful man. “Yes, thank you for your generous concern, good sir. But I think I’m all right”, she whispered, feeling still a bit weak.

The huge room, in which she had awoken just a few moments ago, in the caring arms of that perfect stranger, did not seem familiar to her at all. It was the most marvellous room she had ever seen. The plastered walls were painted in a soft indigo and on one side of the room; there were hung numerous tapestries in the most brilliant colours with roaring lions embroidered on them. On the other side, there were a number of impressive golden windows. In the centre of the room, a magnificent silver chandelier with sparkling crystals was suspended from the high, sea green ceiling. Leonora was lying in an elegant, oaken four-poster with mint green, silken sheets and countless, feathery blue and green pillows on it.The other astonishing pieces of furniture in the room, such as the imposing wardrobe, which had golden, lion shaped handles and the chic cupboard, which had gemstone knobs, were made of the same kind of wood. The delicate wood-carving seemed to tell an ancient tale. It was obvious that skilled and experienced craftsmen had made these gorgeous pieces with great care. Leonora was stunned by the beauty of every little detail in that amazing room.

She took a look through the circle shaped, golden window next to the bed. The overwhelming sight of a deep azure sea in which graceful mermaids were playing a delightful game, marvelled her. “Excuse me, my noble sir, for this question may sound odd to you, but … where on earth am I?” Leonora asked incredulous. “You are in Narnia”, a little girl, who had just entered the room, accompanied by two other children, answered with a loving smile. “My name is Lucy Pevensie”, she said cheerfully. Leonora was immediately fond of Lucy. No one could do otherwise, I guess. Lucy was a sweet, spontaneous, little girl. She had short, brunette hair, cobalt eyes and several endearing little freckles around her tilted nose. Leonora presumed she was just about ten years old. “My name is Edmund Pevensie, I’m very pleased to finally meet you”, a boy with dark features added. Edmund had short, black, uncombed hair and emerald eyes. He wore a naughty grin on his face, although he was rather friendly and polite. Leonora believed him to be around twelve years old. “And I am Susan Pevensie, the eldest sister”, another, more mature girl said. Susan had stunning, long, brown hair and jade eyes. She had an intelligent expression on her face and a kind smile. Leonora assumed she was the same age as she was, although Susan gave the impression of being elder, because of her refined and poised appearance. “My name is Peter Pevensie”, the eldest boy with the striking eyes said. “Welcome to Cair Paravel, our castle.” Peter had stunning golden locks and heavenly sapphire eyes, in which Leonora instantaneously drowned. She could not help herself, for those captivating eyes had innocently hypnotized numberless persons before. He was a gallant and handsome gentleman, but, deep in his virtuous heart, somehow still a boy. He was a tad elder than Susan, about seventeen years old.

This all came as a startling bolt of lightning on the bright break of an agreeable spring day to Leonora. Not only did she appear to be in another, magical land, perhaps even in another world, she had found herself in the presence of four welcoming siblings, who seemed to own an enormous and breathtaking castle, as well. This could not happen but in a fantastic and unbelievable dream. A dazzling dream she did not wish to wake up from yet. Leonora pulled herself together. “My name is Leonora”; she said shyly with a sweet and rather silent voice. “It is an honour to meet you, fine sirs and dear ladies. But, forgive me my bluntness, for I can’t help but asking; do you really possess this remarkable castle, my hospitable hosts and hostesses?” “Indeed, we do. This palace was, is and will be the home of every king and every queen of Narnia, actually. We have lived here for almost three wonderful years now, I believe. It is a splendid place to live, really. You can go for a walk in the enormous Royal Gardens, visit the old wooden stables and each and every room is even prettier than the previous one”, Lucy said with a merry tone of voice. She was always exceedingly thrilled whenever the opportunity of meeting a new friend arrived.

Leonora gasped. These courteous children were powerful kings and gracious queens. But they seemed so young, far too young even; to make the grave decisions that kings and queens are ought to make and that could affect an entire kingdom. Peter noticed the bewildered look in Leonora’s dreamy eyes. “Allow me to clarify things for you, milady.” Peter proposed thoughtfully. Leonora smiled gratefully at him and blushed as the charming king smiled back at her.

She enjoyed listening to Peter’s deep and gentle voice, whilst he told his miraculous story. He told about Lucy, finding a magical world inside an old and dusty wardrobe, about the massive battle the four children had fought against a deceitful Witch, about good prevailing and about their coronation, the most precious moment in their, yet so young, lives. The three other siblings added some little details they found noteworthy every so often, which made the enjoyable tale even more realistic and amusing to listen to. When Peter had ended his unique story, it was Leonora’s turn to reveal her past. She told them about her life at home, about her daily occupations, such as reading fascinating books and dreaming about tremendous things, and she told them about her loving family, those she treasured most in her life. She also mentioned how she came, or rather stumbled, into Narnia and shared her first impressions of this quite extraordinary place with them. While they were telling their most hilarious anecdotes and their most cherished stories, the four siblings and Leonora truly had a terrific time.

When these lovely tales were told and the children were all fairly acquainted to each other, they were starting to feel rather hungry. They decided to get dressed for dinner, which was served in the Grand Ballroom that evening, in honour of Leonora…

Well, this chapter I found particularly hard to write, because of the dialogues and the continuity. And I do realize that some things/sentences are a bit cheesy. I hope it isn’t too bad. I really appreciate all your compliments and responses. Thank you so much!!
Edité par Springrose le 16/07/2006 à 21:28

I am Fortune's fool....
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
so sweet!!!!!!!!!! i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally awsome girlie!!!

i am trying to write a story kinda like that, except i cannot get the dialoge right!!!

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D

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