Miscellanous : Medore, Pirate Girl of the Spanish Sea

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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
As I walked along the beach, the waves spured up along the rocks. I, Medore had been left govorner of the little island I was on. I am just 17, and am the best pirate girl yet. My crew had left me nothing but a pistol with one shot, and and my sword. I was starving and had caught three fich in the last two days. I decided that I would travel around the island in search of wood. "There has to be one bloody peice of wood on this spit of rock!" I said searching desprately. Once I found a few peices, I tied the together with strong bannana leaves, and was off, I figured if worse comes to worse, I would drown. But, instead, a ship passed by, and they brought me on deck.
Once on deck, the captain's eyes widened. "Men, keep out your guns and swords!" he said flailing his arms about, and running. "Its her! Medore, the girl pirate!!" He was practically screaming his head off. This should be fun! I said to herself. I glared at the man, and chuckled. "What are you scared of? There is no one else with me, and--"
"What makes you think we will believe you?! Take her down to the ships lock up!" he souted with pride, but soon lost it when I unsheathed my sword, and held it out, point first, towards the him. He whimpered, and gave a quick smile.
"I don't think so! I'm not going to be locked up! I was marooned on that spit of land over there and left governor of it," I said, pointing to the island, "and unless you want to be left governor of it, i suggest you not lock me up!". The captain chuckled, "Well, you think you scare me?" he said. I knew he was still terrified, but trying to be brave, like all the other captians I had killed captured, plundered, and tortured.
I took my sword, and whiped it around the circle I was surrounded in, and stopped at on man who held out his gun. I studied his face, and he seemed familiar from somewhere, but couldn't remember. I turned to the captain. "Captian! I will make a deal with you!" I sheathed my sword, and went on, "If you let me live, and not lock me up, i will help on this old junk yard of a boat, and get it in perfect shape. But, if not, and you lock me up, i will slice your neck in your sleep, and have your crew men standing on their hands in knees beging for my mercy."
It was quiet, but heavy breathing. "What say you? Aye?"
The captain breathed in, and swallowed hard, "Aye!" he souted.
The crew started to scatter, but i looked at the one man who looked familiar. "Hey you!" i shouted, a few men turned around, including the one man. I walked up to him, and looked at the others, staring at me, terrified, "Get lost!" i said, and they went off. "What is your name?" i asked the man. "Why?" he had answered. "Because i just want to know! Does there need to be a reason to know thy name?!" i said practically shouting.
He just smiled, "You don't scare me! My name is James Cornvesy." he said with a strong, brave tone. Even i was impressed! Ah! i remember now! James, a friend of mine before i ran away and became a scallywag or a pirate. He looked like he would make a heck of a wondeful scallywag, i remember that was always his dream. To be a pirate. If only he knew. "James! Do you remember Medore Pertoradayas?" He nodded, "Why? Have you killed her to?!" He said. I was wondering what he ment by that. "No! It is me, you idiot! Medore!" He smiled..."What? How--?" he was confused. I put a finger to my lips, "Quiet you scallywag! Don't want them to know!" He smiled, and threw me a mop and a bucket. I just caught them. "I'll show you what you are to do... I'm glad your back." And we went to work.

so, what do you think?? i wrote it in 15 min!

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  • Messages : 2 617
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
wow... amazing and wondefully written! i loke the dialogue! good job hn!

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OMG!! my skeetles darling!

LUV IT- more like FREAKIN FLIPPEN LUV IT!!! AHHH luv the story line- cant wait for moreness soon

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
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"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
thnx....yeah..i wrote it for a contest...with one boring sentance.....it took me 15 minutes...well, more like i had 15 min. to write it....lol! well, thnx!!!!

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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
hey that sounds good... but are you up for suggestions?

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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
yeah...totally....but lemme post the parts i wrote.:::::

As i, Medore cleaned up the deck, I noticed James smileing to himself. I looked at him, and tried remebering our childhood together. I guess i was still staring at him because he looked at me in the eyes, "What?" he said stopping. I shook my bhead, a bit embarrassed, "Nothing, thinking..." and i went back to mopping. He did also. "So, why did you run away?"

It was quiet. I was thinking on how i would answer it. I knew the reason. "I wanted to be free. I couldn't take being held back and bossed around everyday. I didn't want to be the "nice farm girl" my parents wanted me to be. Always being bossed around. They thought i had a great life. But, i knew i didn't belong to them. The weren't my real parents. And you knew that didn't you?" i said, asking James.

He nodded, "Yes, i knew, how did you find out?"

"After i ran away, i remeber our dreams of being a pirate. Thats what i did. I went to Brelkina island. The pirate island. There, i signed up to be a crew member, and i disguesed myselfg as a man to get on the ship headed for Brelkina. After arrival, and after being accepted on the pirate ship as a crew member, I was in a brawl in the pug the night before our ship left. The man was about to kill me until my hat fell out, and my hair flew out. He knew i was a girl, and he seemed to recognize me."
I was silent, and James was mezmorized by what i was saying.
"It turned out it was my brother, Thomas. He backed up, and said my name. I looked at him puzzled, and stood up slowly. Then he suddenly grabbed my hair, and held me by my arms, and dragged me to the pigs pen. After he made sure that it was clear, he held my hands. "Medore, you won't remeber me. But i am your brother, Tom."
He had told me how my real parents gave me to the farmer because i was sick and was going to die."

James nodded, "Yes. I don't remeber it, but we were about three or four, and they took u in."

"Well, tom took me to his place, and he gave me a boat. It wasn't much, but i had something. After, he resigned from his ship, He put me in charge of it, and left me as captain."
I told James i was captain for eight ears, and word spread tht i was the first and the best female pirate yet to sail the sea. Thats how i became Medore, Pirate Girl of trhe Carribian Seas."

Chapter 2::

As i walked on deck that night, James and a few other men were on deck, looking out at the sea. The moon glowed against the rippled waters of the calm sea. Just to think these waters could be violent in the matter of seconds.

James still lookedout as i walked up behind him. "What is it like being a pirate?"

He said, still staring. I took a deep breath in. " It depends if u like to be clean or not. " I said with a chuckle. James smiled, but i knew he wanted a real answer. "I haven't really experianced much. But, i know i like the feeling of being free, and having the wind blow through my hair, and in my face, and the spray of the sea drench my coat. To be able to not take orders and live your own life." I paused. He turned and looked at me.

"But their are consiquences. Most of us don't live long, But the ones that do, were meant to be pirates." I finish with a smile, and walk up next to James, and lean against the railing.
"I want to be free." He finally says. "I want to be a pirate."

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  • Messages : 117
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  • Pays : Belgique

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? - William Shakepseare
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
thnx! yeah.....this is one of my fav. stories tht i wrote....umm...so...yeah....

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
I stared into James face. He really meant it when he said "I want to be a pirate." I smiled, and said with a chuckle, "Then let us begin!" I whipped out my sword, and bowed, as did James.
He was a wonderful dueler. I went to strike and he blocked immediatly. I was surprised and once again tried his hand work. I twisted my sword with his, and he stopped it, and spun around, pinning my sword down. I smiled. "Not bad, what about your footwork?" i said, taking my sword, and lashing it in the air. We stood in position, and he made the first move. He threw his sword on mine, and when our two sword clashed, and slide, sparks flew. His footwork was, surprisingly, better than mine! I sliced by his ankles, and he jumped it, and spun, blocking my strike. He was amazing, and i was enthralled. He drew closer, inches from my face, our swords between us. "Not bad, for a pirate." he said with a mischievouse smile. I took my sword away, and swung it around. Again, he blocked it. Wonderful! Now this was a real duel!
"I have to admit, not bad", i say, "For a wannabe pirate." I chuckle, and he strikes, and i block it. "Then again, no one can defeat the Great and Wonderful dueler of all time! Medore." I bowed, and went back to the duel. He striked out, and i went to block, but he threw the sword out of my hand. I looked at him and smiled.
"No one? Ever? Wow. I guess i am pretty good then." he said sheathing his sword, and walking over to me with a bow. I bowed, and picked up my sword.
"Yep, i have to hand it to you, your a heck of a pirate!" i say.
I walk to the edge of the ship, and lean over the banester. He does the same. "James," i say, suddenly breaking the silence, "Did you miss me when i was gone?" I ask, out of curiosity. It was quiet, maybe i shouldn't have asked that.
"Yes. I did. Very much so that i went searching for you. And thats how i ended up here. A rotten sailer on the Lecta."
I was in a way, happy that he went to search for me. "I was devestated when you left. But when you showed up yesterday, i was confused, but yet, so excited. I was glad that your crew had marooned you on that spit of rock. No offense."
I smiled, and my heart melted, i didn't want to think so, but i think i loved James. I knew i did ever since we were younger. "No offense taken. In a way, i am glad to." I smiled, and looked into his eyes. He looked into mine, and drew closer to me. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, and his arms around my waiste. Our breath mingled as we drew closer, and our lips touched lightly. Then, it became more passionate. "Ahem!"I heard someone, and jumped, pulling away from James, and stepping back. My cheeks turned red from embarrasment. This supposedly captain ruined the moment. "Ok then... James, its your duty tomorrow to make breakfast, i hope you will be up and ready." The captain gave me a rude glance, and i glared at him. "Umm, yes, sir. I will be there." James said, studdering. The captain walked off, and it was silent. "Well, umm, i should umm....yeah. It's late, and well...I gotta go. Sorry." I walked off, humiliated, yet in love. I tried to remember if i had feelings for James as children, and i don't remember, but i think i did.
i sat on the other side of the ships banister, and watched James go down into the bunker cabin. The memories of that kiss was all that it was now, a memory.

srry if its kinda weird or w/e...i just wrote it, and i like it...what do ou girlies think, go on or quit?

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Wholly Mr.Fox!!! That was good!!!

Some people are SNOBS and some ARNT
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
thnx....should i keep going, or have you read others tht are better? HONESTLY!!

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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you showed DEFINITELY keep going!that is so romantic,and i LOVE pirate stories!

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 784
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
yeah, same here!!! im like PIRATE GIRL ALL THE WAY!!!!!! lol!!! i love pirate stories!!!! and themes, and EVERYTHING tht has to do w/ pirates!!!!

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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i know,cause it`s like,they get to be free and do whatever they want!and they get RUM!lol

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 784
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
YEAH!!! woo-hoo!!!! but yeah, i grew up with pirate stories....HEHE!!!

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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hehe i know,i`ve ben obsessed with pirates ever since i saw pirates of the carribean:dead man`s chest!and i have the first one on dvd!

on the edge of seventeen...
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
SAme here (have the 1st one on dvd) and i have always grown up LOVING the old tales and stuff of pirates, and knighhts and such...but yeah...i love them!!!!

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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lol so do i!but i`m mostly a pirate type of fan =]

on the edge of seventeen...
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