Miscellanous : the room and the closet.....by skeetles

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hello ppl....this might get a lil confusing, but if u note the dates at the top of each chapter.....it might help!....hope u likey

03 March, 1709 Chapter One
The lost princess

Princess Annaliese sat in front of her mirror, looking at herself, making sure everything was in its exact place. Her diamond earrings, rings, and necklaces shined like the sun would on the ocean, and her crown was one she had owned for quiet some time now. She grabbed her perfume bottle and dabbed the top onto her wrist. As she did, Nellie came in the door, carrying a red velvet pillow, with a beautiful crown on top. The crown had Jewels from all around, Moria, Moradrol, and Zoraf, and shined with power in them, and the princess was drawn to it. “Princess, you have a present.” Nellie took the crown off of the red velvet pillow, and placed it on Annaliese’s head. “Who is it from?” Annaliese said, taking her old crown off, and taking the new one in her hands. “I don’t know miss, it just came.”
Annaliese put it on, and looked in the mirror. It was a beautiful crown, like something she has never seen before. As Princess Annaliese looked in the mirror, she noticed the jewels on the crown start to light up.
Soon, they were almost as bright as the sun, and reflected off of the mirror. Nellie noticed it also, and ran to Annaliese, “Princess what is happening?!”
Annaliese shook her head, “I don’t know, hurry, go and get my mother!” Nellie ran for the door, but it closed. She looked at Annaliese, “Miss, we’re locked in!” she ran to the door, still with the crown on her head, and grabbed the knob. She turned the knob, but it didn’t open. Suddenly, there was a low, evil-like laugh in the room. The jewels on the crown grew brighter, and went to the center of the room. Nellie and Annaliese watched it get so bright, that it was hard to see, until it faded away, ever so quickly, and a man with a cloak, stood in the middle of the room.
He walked closely to Annaliese, and then disappeared again. While he was not visible, Nellie, and Annaliese could here him talking. He said, “Hello Princess Kristen. I thought I would show up a little early. I thought you would like the crown, I made it myself, just for you.”
Annaliese looked around, trying to spot where the great wizard was. “What do you mean? Who are you?”
The man re-appeared, and walked up to her. “I am Malaudor, great wizard of Foraun. I have created the crown for you, but also for me. When you wear the crown, Princess, all of your power, and all that you would rule over one day, will be mine, and your mother wouldn’t disagree with that, after the spell I put on her. When you take the crown off, the crown will be put on my head, and it will be long to me. You won’t even exist.” He disappeared again, but laughing, the evil laugh that villains have. Nellie tried for the door again, but a red beam shot out at her. Princess Annaliese ran to her, pushing her aside, and helping her up. The girls ran to the other room, which obviously, Malaudor did not know of.
He was surprised, and appeared. Annaliese closed and locked the door, making sure she did it very quickly, knowing the wizard would shoot a beam through it at any moment. She ran to the desk and looked for something that would help defend herself. A red beam shot through the door, and the door fell to the ground and he walked in.
“You thought you could lock me out Princess, obviously you do not know me by now.” he said grinning. Annaliese and Nellie looked around themselves. A desk, a bed, and a window were all that there was. Malaudor took a few steps forward. He put his hand out, and shot a red beam. And Annaliese, desperate for something to protect her, reached for something on the desk. A mirror! She held it up for the beam to hit it. The beam reflected off the mirror, and hit the window, shattering it to bits and pieces. Annaliese ran to the window, and looked down. To far down! Annaliese thought to herself and a red beam shot right past her. “Princess! The door over there, it’s not locked!” Annaliese nodded, and Nellie made a run for it. She ran past Malaudor, and he noticed her, but then noticed Princess Annaliese. Whack! She hit the great wizard, Malaudor, in the head with the chair she had found at the desk. It knocked him to the ground. “Nellie, look out!” As Nellie reached for the door knob, a green beam hit her. Annaliese shrieked with fear. Nellie fell to the floor, the door halfway open. She ran for the door, and on her way past Nellie, picked her up by the arms. Come on Nellie! Let’s go! Nellie was out cold. She didn’t move at all. Annaliese opened the door, but it closed. She tried the door knob, but it didn’t budge. Not again! Annaliese ran towards the bed, and stood there. The wizard stood up, and laughed, “Ha! Ha! You thought you could beat me?” He put his hand out towards Annaliese, signaling her to come, but she wouldn’t dare. She stood there, thinking on what to do. But Malaudor wouldn’t wait for to long. “All, right. I’m giving you one more chance, come with me, or I will kill you and your mother, and everyone in the royal court.” Annaliese didn’t want that to happen, she knew the man could do it, but, she needed a plan. Nellie started moving on the ground. Malaudor’s back was toward her, and he didn’t notice her waking up, but Annaliese did. “I am warning you!” he said, putting his hand forward. Annaliese thought, and put her hand out slowly. Nellie stood up, and walked toward him. Annaliese put her hand a little closer, but even slower. She wanted to give Nellie time to think on what to do, and do it. The closer Annaliese’s hand got, the more she became aware that something was going to happen. He was going to trick her. Nellie came closer to Malaudor, and kicked his leg, and he whipped around to grab Nellie, but she was to quick, she darted after Annaliese under the bed. Malaudor followed closely behind, and just missed Nellie’s foot, slipping under the bed, and out the other side. The girls ran to the other room, and to the closet. Nellie ran in first, but just as Kristen went to run in, a green and red beam, mixed, hit her in the back. The crown slipped off her head, and the door closed behind her, and locked. Nellie ran to open the door, but no use.
The door was bolted shut, and Princess Kristen either sleeping or what Nellie feared most...dead.

hope it was ok......

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
  • Messages : 3 414
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ooooooooh yeah that was really really good! didn't you post it before? i know i read it somewhere else before! hmmmmm!

well that would make a great movie!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
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aww...thnx! maybe i did post it before....and i forgot...well, i forget everything....well, just about everything....i think i suffer from short term memory los......you know??? im so stupid lol!

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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^^ i know what you mean! trust me! i have stml moments all the time! hahahaha!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
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yeah.....its like.....wickedly weird...huh?
but, im also a pinapple....lol! (a brown hair blonde at heart......do u get it, or no?)
Edité par skeetles le 02/08/2006 à 20:30

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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OMGSH YES! i get it! that's hilarious! i had never heard that before!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
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made it up with will4ever and another friend.....lol!!!!!
Edité par skeetles le 02/08/2006 à 20:36

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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it sounds like something she would make up!

i think that's so cool that y'all are friends in real life! i wish i knew someone in real life that goes to this website!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
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aww...you should tell other friends about it...or do they think its weird..because i've had a couple of pl tell me tht....ha! forget them! lol!! j/k!!!

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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same here skeetles and its like (excuse me) screw you! lol

yeah im a pineapple too and rpoud of it!

OOOOOOOHHHHHHH NICENESS!!!!! Luv the story line thts goin on here! Update NOW- what say u? lol


Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
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thank you very much! *bows*

yepyep! TOTALLY PORUD OF IT!!!!!!!

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
  • Messages : 3 414
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porud? yeah i've been porud plenty of times! it's a nice feeling to be porud! yep yep!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
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umm....i dunno whatelse to say....
Edité par skeetles le 03/08/2006 à 00:15

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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did you not get it?
you spelled proud wrong!

hahahahaha! so i was making fun of you! LoL! but you know i love you!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
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HEY!!!! i can't help it! my fingers are ypig like a wildfire here!!!! *bad evil fingers!"

lol!!! i know u love me! i mean...who doesn't? no...im kinfing....really...i am...so, yeah...oh! i get it now! lol!!!

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"> </a> banner made by will4ever Holy Chocolate Starfish!!
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