William Moseley Community : Immortal Beauty (Chap 1- comment plz)

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Fil de la discussion "Immortal Beauty (Chap 1- comment plz)"
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  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
yeh u should it's great !
  • Messages : 3
  • Statut : Arrivante
  • Pays : Canada
OMG!! You rock at writing! I am hooked on your story!!! please update soon!! I wanna know what happens!!!!!

William is Love
  • Messages : 2 647
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I feel so touched and i am truly humbled by ur comments of me being a good writer.
the fact is tht God gave me this gift and without it, i wouldnt write this good.(no offense to ohters)

haha i was thinking of publishing it- but i couldnt with the Narnia characters and all

OOHHH and i had waterlilly on williammoseleyfan.net make me an animated avatar for this story so it is up for my avvie

but the thing is tht i am stuck. surpising but i am indeed stuck. i have an idea but many others as well. so idk what i will write and w/e it is, it will be a surprise...so if u want to help me decide on the next part, then mail me plz!

Edité par will4ever le 19/05/2006 à 02:42

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
i am mailing you and ur ideas rock!! and i agree God gives everyody their talents and i hope you all use them for His glory and not urs!! no offense really. Will4ever is doing a great job of using hers for God's glory. thanks a bunch girlie!!

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aww thnx soo much ashlee...i gotta luv ya- u rock!
anyways...annie has been begging me to post the next chapter so here it is...LOL

Chapter 3::


I woke up to feeling a cantering sensation. I opened up my tired eyes and felt myself being carried in the strong arms of a centaur. He looked down kindheartedly at me as we were coming to a halt.

Before me was the most enchanting castle I have ever seen in my whole life- apart from the castle I had once l lived in. It was beside the sapphire sea and the sun’s rays cast colors across the canvas sky. Hanging gardens surrounded numerous courtyards.

The King dismounted his unicorn and lent me his outstretched hand. I looked up at him, thinking mixed thoughts of whether to trust him or not. I reluctantly took his hand as we walked to the Great Entrance.

Two centaur guards stood at each end of the double doors. The massive doors opened and revealed to me a Grand Hallway. The Grand Hallway had high cathedral ceilings. Servants merrily bustled about fulfilling their tasks.

At the end of the hallway were four thrones in which two Queens sat. The eldest Queen had sleek black hair. Her eyes were light blue and sincere. She sat with such poise and composure.

The younger Queen had brown curly hair. She had sparkling blue eyes that were so full of life. Freckles danced across her cheeks and she wore a grin on her face.

We made our way to the Queens upon the thrones. “Welcome to Narnia. I am High King Peter.” Claimed the man who had offered me his hand. He revealed pearly white teeth as he smiled at me.

“I am King Edmund.” Said the man with the dark features.

“I am Queen Susan.” Gently said the eldest Queen.

“And I am Queen Lucy!!” said the youngest Queen. She was so full of joy and happiness. Her sweet smile was indeed contagious.

“Who are you foreigner?” asked King Edmund kindly.

“I am P- I am Farah your majesties, an elf.” I said as I elaborately curtsied. “I am one hundred and sixty years old. Which would be about eighteen in human years.” I paused as their mouths dropped in astonishment. “I travel from the Elven Village of Valenvaryon. It was attacked by wraiths for no apparent reason, maybe just to have the pleasure of annihilating every town in their path. I was the only one to escape.” I said emotionally. I could feel tears brimming at the edge of my eyes just thinking of Ethan, but I just blinked them back. “On my way, I encountered King Peter. He was generous enough to bring me to your enchanting Kingdom.”

King Peter blushed what would be unnoticeable to his human siblings, but not me. I could see his flustered cheeks clearly.

“Oh my goodness gracious Farah!! That is a terrible and devastating occurrence to have to witness. You are truly blessed to be living. We would be honored to accommodate you in any way possible.” Susan said sympathetically.

“You are all too kind your majesties. I am forever grateful.” I said graciously.

“It is our pleasure Farah. And besides, we would enjoy your company here.” Peter said sheepishly.

“Oh could I please give you a grand tour of Cair Paravel Farah?” Lucy asked excitedly.

“Sure but what is Cair Paravel?”

“Sorry we failed to mention that. Cair Paravel is the name of this castle.” Lucy said very understandingly.

Lucy bounced up from her throne seat and took my hand to give me a tour of the castle. The little Queen showed me basically every room in the castle. Every room that is except for closets.

Finally, even though it was a polite gesture, the tour was over. “So what did you think?” asked Queen Lucy eagerly.

“This castle is marvelous Queen Lucy. I absolutely love it.”

“Please call me Lucy. Putting the Queen in front makes me sound kind of old. And I am glad you like this castle!!” Lucy said enthusiastically.

“Yes Lucy. Would it be alright if you could show me to my chamber please? I am awfully tired from the long journey.”

“Yes of course. This way please.” I followed Lucy into a hallway not far from the royal family’s living quarters.

Lucy opened up a mahogany door and revealed to me a majestic chamber. The bed was covered in a plush rose and gold comforter and soft pillows. There was an armoire in one corner and a stone fireplace across from my bed. A door extended off of my bedroom which led into my own personal bathing room.

I walked over to my bed and just lay there, thinking about the past. Thinking of all the times I spent with my beloved Ethan. I buried my face in my hands as the flood gates opened and I cried a river of depressing sorrows. I just cried out all of my emotions. I was experiencing an ample amount of grief. My sniffles and weeping filled my room. If I wasn’t careful, I could surely die.

I presume that I cried myself asleep because I had woken up to the sound of a firm knock on my door. The knock was followed by a familiar voice- his voice. I quickly pulled the covers over my head and pretended to be sleeping. I used the sheets to wipe my tear stained face to clear of any emotional evidence.

He walked in and his footsteps clicked on the stone floor. I just wanted to be left alone to my misery. I didn’t need his empathy.

“How are you doing Farah?” whispered King Peter. When there was only silence he continued. “I guess I will let you get some rest. I will have Susan come to wake you when it is time to get ready.”

I heard every bit of what he said. I just didn’t want to reply. Right now I just wanted to sleep forever and never wake.

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
  • Messages : 1 555
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
i love it update soon

Because I dance it doesn?t mean that I am weak or that my ?sport? is unimportant, we use tights and pink tutus, we sweat and we work until we simply can't anymore, until our feet bleed, and our muscles are torn. And that is what dancing is all about
  • Messages : 3 305
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omg that's so sad and so romantic!!way better than my story!your story makes mine look like a raw apple core

on the edge of seventeen...
  • Messages : 2
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  • Pays : Canada
BOOM BABY!!! Wowwee! Write more soon!
  • Messages : 3 414
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
absolutely incredible! plz update asap!

"blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed"
  • Messages : 1 325
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  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
You gotta pick up your pen
and ur old kit bag#
and wriiite ,wriiite, yeah!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 1 331
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  • Pays : Etats-Unis
you should totally go pro!!!! that is awsome!!! so are you in narnia the whole time??(dumb question)

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 2 647
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yes the story is in narnia time

and ill try to update sometime this week

Boys will be boys hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams. Graphics by me. <a href="http://community.livejournal.com/kodoku_icons">Found here, guize.</a>
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
sorry!! i ask the stupidest questions sometimes!!

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
They arent stupid, they cud find a doorwayto other worlds like in MN

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
you rock narniamaniac!!

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 1 325
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Royaume-Uni
Thanx!! so do u!!!

My name is Miss Schaden Freude
  • Messages : 1 331
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
thnx!! you guys ALL rock!!!!

especially Will

&#9829; William Moseley &#9829; forever a William lover..... ~Cotaco girl's head groupie! :-D
  • Messages : 2 617
  • Statut : Experte
  • Pays : Etats-Unis
hehe yeah...
Will4ever... ur story rox my life!!!
That is seriously one of the best writing jobs i have read in a long time. Grat job and please update soon!

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  • Messages : 3 305
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will4ever,your stories rock!mine are blechhhh

on the edge of seventeen...

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