Hayden Christensen : Lola dément tout !

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  • Messages : 12
  • Statut : Arrivante
  • Pays : France


Voilà elle dit rien au sujet de la vie privée d'hayden et dément tout au sujet de sienna. Elle ne l'a jamais critiquée ... elle l'a plaint meme.
Elle a 24 ans et non 21 comme le disait les articles parus il y a peu. Au sujet des photos de la Barbades c'est bien elle et hayden. Elle précise qu'il n'y rien entre eux...

  • Messages : 12
  • Statut : Arrivante
  • Pays : France
All about Lola

It was pissing rain this morning. I left my house in jeans and a hoodie not expecting to have to look decent. Greasy stinky hair in a Britney top knot, comfy but not exactly style-rockin’ Merrell mocs, and then of course I get the call to interview Lola for an eTalk exclusive report that aired tonight. First of all, she’s 5 ft 9 and very chic, with that je ne sais quoi Euro kind of vibe. Big brown eyes, long hair, full lips…she is a model, ok? I’m sure you get the picture. Needless to say – because looks ARE everything goddammit! – I wasn’t exactly riding high on Confidence Mountain with my vertically challenged Asian body standing next to her catwalk physique. At least my french mani was still fresh. But I digress.

We went to Starbucks. She is polite and soft spoken, a sexy Milla-ish accent and an even better vocabulary. We talk about why she has been so eager to come forward and share her story. Simply put, the News of the World article was pretty humiliating. Humiliating because she says it was all lies but also because the story described someone who would openly disclose such intimate details about her friends to a ghetto level rag. And since Lola has been written about beyond her control, she at least wants to set the record straight on a few simple personal details that the News of the World couldn’t manage to get right...


Edité par orchidee_rouge le 17/03/2006 à 19:05
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